Citizens meet science - the spring edition

The HSZG and the VHS Dreiländereck invite you to discover science. M. Sc. Martin Herling demonstrates a garden robot.

Begin 07. April 2022 - 18:00 Uhr
End 07. April 2022 - 19:30 Uhr

In keeping with the season, the theme is the garden and nature. Just looking at flowers and plants - together with the sounds of nature - has a relaxing effect, lowers blood pressure and relieves pain. Exercising in the fresh air while gardening reduces stress, puts you in a good mood and puts delicious food on the table. But at the latest when your back is aching and your knees are stiff after a hard day's work, one or two gardeners may dream of a helpful elf who removes the weeds overnight. Engineer Martin Herling from the Institute of Process Automation, Process Engineering and Metrology (IPM) at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences invites all those who are curious to visit the TU Dresden research greenhouse, which is fortunately located in Zittau. The first prototype of a garden robot is located there.

The event is organized by the Saxony5 project. Participation is free of charge.
Location: 02763 Zittau, House Z IX, Friedrich-Schneider-Straße 26

Registration is requested, as only limited room capacity is available.