26. September 2018

1st LaNDER³ Symposium

Natural fiber-reinforced plastics - current trends and developments

The first LaNDER³ symposium from 26 to 27 September 2018 will focus on current developments in the field of natural fiber-reinforced plastics - from production, coating and processing to recycling.

LaNDER³ stands for "Lusatian natural fibre composites - decentralized energy, raw materials, resources, recycling" and is a BMBF-funded FH-Impuls project at the HSZG in cooperation with primarily regionally active companies and the Fraunhofer IWU.

The <link file:57620 _blank download programm>program can be downloaded here download

Further information can be found in the <link file:49884 download file>flyer or here.


Dr. Matthias Kinne