13. November 2023

Workshop on tire abrasion in the environment

Online conference in the junior researcher project "Effects of tire abrasion on soils near roads and their ecosystems" Event on 13.11.23

Microplastics, as part of the global problem of plastic pollution, are attracting increasing

attention in the environmental sciences and the public media. In addition to aquatic

systems, soils have also become the focus of current research on this topic.

Tire treads and other rubber-based materials account for a large proportion of the microplastics emitted.

rubber-based materials. In the case of tire wear , it can be estimated

that an annual average of 0.96 - 1.2 kilograms per capita is released. This corresponds to

approximately 100 milligrams per kilometer driven. As tire treads are a very heterogeneous material, many

heterogeneous material, many potentially hazardous and toxic substances can escape from it

can escape from them and enter the soil and aquatic environment.

Researchers from Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland met to exchange experiences on precisely this topic. Both analytical methods for detecting and innovative solutions for removing tire abrasion were presented and discussed. In addition, the effects of tire abrasion on soils and aquatic plants as well as the transport processes were presented.

1st lecture series 10:00 - 11:50

10:00 Welcome

10:10 URBANFILTER Innovative filter solution for the removal of tire abrasion from road runoff water
Daniel Venghaus (Technical University Berlin)

10:40 Particle statistics for the quantitative determination of microplastics and tire abrasion
Gerd Fischer (Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences)

11:10Effects of tire abrasion on the higher aquatic plant Lemna minor
Anne Richter and Jennifer Dutschke (Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, ZIRKON)

11:30 Development of an analytical method for the detection of tire abrasion in soil and water samples
TomasKleint (Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, ZIRKON)

2nd lecture series 13:00 - 15:00

13:00 From the Field to our Plate: Accumulation Mechanisms and Detection of Tire Derived Compounds in Lettuce
Anya Sherman ( University of Vienna)

13:30 Chromatography based Methods such as HPLC MS or GC MS and their application on various environment related projects
Stanislava Vrchovecká (Technical University of Liberec)

14:00 Transport processes of tire wear particles

FaithChebet Tumwet (Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg)

14:30 Tire abrasion in soils along various cantonal roads in the canton of Solothurn
Andrea Wiget Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , Frick, Switzerland)

For several years now, numerous projects have been researching the topic of tire abrasion. As tire abrasion is a very heterogeneous material, many potentially hazardous and toxic substances can escape from it and enter the soil and groundwater. The extent and effects of this are currently the subject of research worldwide.

Workshop background

With the project "Effects of tire abrasion", a series of workshops was launched with the aim of presenting current research projects and results from various institutions.

Specifically, the following main topics will be highlighted

● Detection analytics

● Elimination

● Characterization

● Vegetation effects

● Transport processes

Through the cooperation of many researchers in the field of tire abrasion, new contacts and new synergies can be created in addition to the exchange of information in order to better deal with various problems in research.

The workshop will be held as part of the ESF-funded junior researcher project "Effects of tire abrasion". The main topics include: Analysis, elimination, monitoring, relocation and degradation of tire abrasion, as well as its influence on soils and plants.

Duration: 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024

Photo: Dipl.-Ing. Ilona Schönfelder
Ilona Schönfelder
02763 Zittau
Friedrich-Schneider-Strasse 26
Building Z IX, Room 103
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4962
Jenifer Dutschke
Jennifer Dutschke
Zittau Institute for Process Development, Circular Economy, Surface Technology, Natural Materials Research
02763 Zittau
F-Schneider-Str. 26
Building Z IX, Room 102
First floor
+49 3583 612-4894