02. July 2018

Review of the 2018 Apprenticeship Day

<p>The "TdL" 2018 offered an exciting and varied insight into the diverse world of blended learning.</p>

This year's Teaching Day took place on May 16 under the motto "Blended Learning". In exciting presentations from various disciplines, the participating teachers and students of the HSZG were given a varied insight into a subject area that has become increasingly important in recent years.

After the introduction of the Teaching Day by the Vice-Rector of the HSZG, Prof. Heidger, Prof. Jürgen Kawalek's keynote speech on "Blended Learning" provided an introduction to the interesting field of e-learning, in which traditional approaches (e-learning as enrichment and integration) were discussed and new concepts such as the "Flipped Classroom" were presented.

Ms. Kersten Kühne and Mr. Patrick Hornung opened the best practice part with a vivid presentation on the implementation of technical teaching content via blended learning using the example of control and safety technology in cooperation with Deutsche Bahn. The participants were able to gain an insight into the role of the teacher but also experience the learner's perspective and how students can use blended learning offers. 

Ms. Katja Knauthe gave a very practical demonstration of the implementation of the e-learning concept of the part-time Social Gerontology course and used the AdobeConnect virtual seminar room to illustrate how a Master's course can be implemented in the form of a blended learning offer.

In the second part, "Implementation", Mr. Ronny Freudenreich presented approaches for implementing electronic exercises in the STEM field using the example of technical thermodynamics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Using concrete examples, it became clear how e-assessment was implemented in the STEM field, what challenges have to be overcome and what opportunities arise from its use, after which Mr. Daniel Winkler highlighted the use of so-called "audience response systems" (voting systems that can be used "live" in courses) using the example of "Pingo" and "Invote." Those present were able to try out the role of the students directly with their smartphone or tablet and received valuable tips for the practical use of such a voting tool in university teaching.

Finally, Mr. Andreas Sommer and Enrico Schuster presented the topic of event recordings in teaching, explained the possible scenarios and demonstrated the technical implementation (hardware). The presentation was rounded off with specific examples from the blended learning and event recording project

In a lively discussion between the numerous participants present, the topic of "TdL" was examined from various angles. Overall, the lecturers and students present at the HSZG were offered many suggestions for the practical use of blended learning arrangements.

Your contact person

Center for e-Learning [Zfe]

Blended Learning" project team

Phone: 03581 374-3340

E-Mail: elearning@hszg.