17. May 2022

Solving problems? Leading? Training course!

As part of the "EurOpA" research project, new training courses for employees in Upper Lusatia are being launched.

As part of the "EurOpA" research project, which is part of the major structural change project and alliance "Lusatia - Life and Technology", two further evidence-based training courses for employees from Upper Lusatia have been designed, planned and are about to be implemented.

Tackling structural change and helping to shape it positively does not necessarily mean completely rebuilding your own production line or realigning your own company. Employees can often initiate the first changes with innovative ways of approaching problems or the way the company communicates, for example. This allows projects to be planned more efficiently and effectively, tasks are identified more quickly and communicated to the relevant people. In order to bring the necessary "tools" to the companies in Upper Lusatia, the project team has developed two further workshops to design and test the "European Open Academy" (EurOpA for short) training academy in the Upper Lusatia innovation region. 

Leading to success (May 18, 2022)

This workshop is primarily about communication within the company. In an increasingly complex working world, it is important how topics and tasks are communicated. As a lecturer, Andreas Polster will work out the core elements for modern and dynamic communication. The event also offers the opportunity to network and stimulates an interesting exchange on topics in the field of corporate communication .

 You can download the flyer for the event "Leading to success" here.

Problem solving with design thinking (June 1, 2022)

As the term suggests, design thinking is all about turning problems into solutions. For example, this method can be used to turn rough plans into concrete, targeted projects. Karolin Gröschl from Energy CoWorking Space will explain how to put together a competent team and what tools the method has in store for you.

You can download the flyer for the "Problem Solving with Design Thinking" event here.

Both workshops will take place in the modern rooms of the  Co-Creation Lab CELSIUZ.

Decide quickly! There are still a few places available.

If you have any questions or would like to register, please contact .

A big thank you goes to:
More about EurOpA!

Further contributions to the project for conceptualizing and testing the further education academy "European Open Academy" (EurOpA for short) in the Upper Lusatia innovation region can be found here:

Photo: M.A. Daniel Winkler
Ihre Ansprechperson
Daniel Winkler
Rectorate/Education Department
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 4010
4th upper floor
+49 3583 612-4595
Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering
02763 Zittau
Schliebenstr. 21
Building Z II, Room 018.4
First floor
+49 3583 612-4595
Photo: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Sophia Keil
Prof. Dr. rer. pol.
Sophia Keil
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.51.3
1st floor
+49 3583 612-3010