11. September 2024

LRK-Saxony on the results of the state elections

Universities in Saxony expect further development of Saxony as a science location and continuity of university autonomy

(Dresden) The Saxony Rectors' Conference welcomes the fact that the results of the state parliamentary elections suggest that the future state government will continue to honor the great importance of science for the innovative and economic strength of the Free State of Saxony. As scientific studies by independent institutes show, investments in science in particular are worthwhile for the citizens of the respective states. The respective added value is far higher than the costs. Education, research and innovation are an irreplaceable part of any economy. This is also demonstrated by the numerous companies settling in Saxony, spin-offs and the competitiveness of companies at or near university locations.

Despite all the problems of the election results, the State Rectors' Conference is pleased about the chance of a government made up of parties committed to democratic practices. Scientists, academics, musicians and artists at universities in Saxony feel an obligation to society to contribute to a cosmopolitan, democratic, hate-free and dialog-based policy. The rectors of the state universities in Saxony continue to stand up for this. The Chairman of the LRK Saxony, Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht, emphasizes: "The autonomy of universities and the preservation of freedom of research and teaching have proven their worth in Saxony. Both were and are essential factors for social development, especially in times of crisis."

Secured basic financial resources

On May 15, 2024, the current state government under Minister President Michael Kretschmer and the rectors of Saxony's universities agreed on the basic funding of the universities for the next eight years. It is very important for the Free State to adhere to this. This grant agreement gives employees and students a perspective and security.

Saxony's universities are crucial for technological progress and the economic strength of our state. It is of great importance that the new state government preserves the autonomy of universities and further strengthens Saxony as a location for science. Investments in education and research pay off for society in the long term.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kratzsch, Rector of Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and Deputy Chairman of the State Rectors' Conference

Press release by the State Rectors' Conference on the state election in Saxony 2024

After state elections: University locations must remain attractive

Joint statement by the Executive Board of the Saxony Rectors' Conference, the Thuringian Rectors' Conference and the German Rectors' Conference:

11.9.2024 - Thuringia and Saxony have elected new parliaments. In the coming weeks, the elected representatives will come to an agreement on the formation of a government. It is important for science and universities that university autonomy and academic freedom are preserved. Only in this way can science develop its full potential for the economy and society. Openness to the world is an important factor here. Only a university that thinks and acts internationally is fit for the future and competitive. An open and international campus and the mobility of teaching staff and students are essential foundations for high-quality teaching, learning and research. We are proud of and expressly support the fact that people from all over the world and from a wide variety of backgrounds study and work at our universities.

To ensure that this remains the case, we need an environment that guarantees the protection against discrimination enshrined in the German constitution. Overall, all parties and all citizens are called upon to work to ensure that hostility towards science, restrictions on academic freedom, racism, intolerance and ideas and enemy stereotypes based on exclusion are not normalized. We remain committed to strengthening cohesion in society and trust in liberal democracy.

Ihre Ansprechperson
Stephen Aranha
Rectorate/University Development and Communication Office
02763 Zittau
Th.-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.54
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4403