20. November 2018

Thermopr@ctive teaching and learning concept

ThermoPr@ctice - Interactive learning system for the calculation of exercises in technical thermodynamics

Thermopr@ctice is an internet-based learning system for calculating exercises with the Mathcad computer algebra system. This learning system for the "interactive calculation of exercises" is an Internet application that enables learners to become active themselves and solve exercises independently. The paper worksheet is replaced by the Mathcad work screen.

After selecting the exercise task, it is solved interactively using the teaching materials provided in Mathcad format (e.g. formula and material value collection, linked material value program libraries). At the end of the calculation of each task, the system checks the results and requests intermediate values if necessary. Thermopr@ctice is designed both for independent learning at home and for supervised exercises as part of traditional classroom teaching. The system introduces learners to modern engineering working methods, enabling them to work on practical tasks quickly and successfully. The learning system is transferable to all subjects in which the acquisition of knowledge is focused on the calculation of exercises. Thermopr@ctice was awarded the Saxon Teaching Prize 2018.

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Further information

Contact person: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hans-Joachim Kretzschmar