18. February 2019

Can we also learn by playing?

From January 31 to February 2, 2019, the conference "Spielend Lernen" took place in cooperation with the HSZG Career Service.

From January 31 to February 2, 2019, the conference "Spielend Lernen" took place in cooperation with the Career Service of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences in the form of a prologue with the topic "Zug um Zug - Eine Theatermethode wird zum Coachingtool" and as a network meeting of the Society for Simulation Games in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (SAGSAGA).


Prologue "Train by train - A theater method becomes a coaching tool"

In this part of the program, we presented the possibility of combining the "move by move" method from drama training with various approaches from coaching, in particular psychodrama, the inner team and archetypes (warrior, thinker, dreamer, lover). Due to the dynamic aspect and the limited controllability of the situation and the "doubled" antagonist, it was shown that the self-awareness of the antagonists was experienced as intense without leaving the protected area. In addition, initial scientific work was presented, different approaches were discussed in lectures and practically tested on stage.


Network meeting of the Society for Simulation Games in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (SAGSAGA)

The SAGSAGA network meeting also took place as part of the "Spielend Lernen" conference. It dealt intensively with the use of simulation games, board games, serious games and other playful approaches in higher education didactics and research. The focus of the meeting was on engineering education and the STEM sector. The question "What approaches to simulation game methodology are there to illustrate complex issues in the STEM field?" was explored together.


The conference was rounded off with two inspiring keynotes by Prof. Dr. Jens Junge from the design akademie berlin/SRH Hochschule für Kommunikation und Design on the topic of "Playing? - why useless things are useful" and by Antonia Bartning with the presentation of the simulation game "Pitch Your Green Idea - The Sustainable Greening Game" as well as the successful evening program with modern, sustainable and nutritious fast food at Mister Bales in Zittau. In summary, all guests and organizers were highly satisfied and are certain that there will be more conferences on topics such as university teaching, engineering pedagogy and game-based design at our university in the future.