05. April 2022

Engineering pedagogical training for teachers successfully completed

The participants in the series of further training courses held at the HSZG received their certificates at a ceremony.

The engineering pedagogy training course for teachers took place at our university for the third time. In total, over forty participants have developed their skills in this area.

The aim of the training was to further expand the engineering pedagogical skills of our university staff in the STEM faculties and external lecturers. The series of events covered all relevant areas of engineering pedagogy as well as the requirements of the Engineering Pedagogy Knowledge Society (IPW) and the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP).

The ceremonial presentation of the certificates took place virtually due to the pandemic situation and the fact that the students were working and living all over Saxony. Among the first to congratulate were the Rector of our university, Professor Alexander Kratzsch, Professor Gudrun Kammasch, President of the Society for Engineering Pedagogy and Professor Steffen Kersten from the Technical University of Dresden.

"On behalf of the entire Rectorate of Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, I would like to congratulate the participants. Participation in the Engineering Pedagogical Training for Teachers has a great influence on the quality of teaching and this is particularly appreciated by the students." Professor Alexander Kratzsch

"I am delighted that the participants successfully completed the training course and that we, as the Engineering Education Society, were involved with our ideas. I hope that we will all draw a lot of strength from this course and from this meeting in order to have an impact in the future. All the best from the bottom of my heart!" Professor Gudrun Kammasch

"I would like to thank the university management, Karl-Heinz Reiche, Daniel Winkler, Ronny Freudenreich and everyone else involved for the excellent collaboration. I would be delighted if we could continue this in the future." Professor Steffen Kersten

Teach engineering pedagogical skills!

The continuing education series was designed in cooperation with the Institute for Vocational Education at the Technical University of Dresden and builds on the continuing education project "Engineering Didactics at Saxon Universities 'e-Didact'" from 2010 to 2013.

The following modules were completed:

  • Module 1: Introduction to engineering pedagogy (4 AE)
  • Module 2: Group dynamics and teamwork (28 AE)
  • Module 3: From Knowledge to Skills - The Lecturer-Centered Planning Scheme as the Basis for a Successful Lecture/Seminar (16 AE)
  • Module 4: Examination and assessment (24 units)
  • Module 5: From knowledge to skills - task development with increasing levels of difficulty as the basis for successful exercise design (16 AE)
  • Module 6: From skills to knowledge - conception of (exploratory) learning as a basis for the successful design of internships, projects, theses and dissertations (student-centered planning scheme) (16 AE)
  • Module 7: Creativity techniques and problem-solving methods (24 units)
  • Module 8: Basics for a requirements-based module description - program objectives, program content, module description (16 AE)
  • Module 9: Laboratory didactics (16 AE)
  • Module 10: Communication (24 units)
  • Learning portfolio (16 AE)

You can find more information here: https://www.hszg.de/ipwb

A big thank you goes to:
  • Karl-Heinz Reiche and the entire Careers Service team at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences for the successful conception and implementation of the continuing education course, especially under pandemic conditions, and
  • Professor Steffen Kersten, Professor Gudrun Kammasch, Timon Umlauft and Thomas Hönel for co-developing and successfully designing the continuing education course
Photo: M.A. Daniel Winkler
Ihre Ansprechperson
Daniel Winkler
Rectorate/Education Department
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 4010
4th upper floor
+49 3583 612-4595
Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering
02763 Zittau
Schliebenstr. 21
Building Z II, Room 018.4
First floor
+49 3583 612-4595