23. February 2024

HSZG at the SPIN2030 science festival

Innovation and dialog: The HSZG presents research expertise.

As part of the SPIN2030 Science Festival, a state-wide initiative of the Saxon State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism, the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences will be presenting itself at the Dresden Technical Collections on March 8 and 9, 2024. The festival is a showcase for Saxony's impressive research landscape, putting the spotlight on the performance and innovative strength of Saxony's science and research institutions.

SPIN2030 stands for the future-oriented focus of scientific activities in Saxony and creates a platform that emphasizes the importance of research for social developments on both a regional and international level. With a mixture of interaction and information, the festival strives to impart knowledge, initiate dialog and nurture a fascination for science.

Admission is free!

Program of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences at the Science Festival

Opening event

After a presentation of science policy priorities - together with Minister President Michael Kretschmer - Science Minister Sebastian Gemkow will provide information about the SPIN2030 campaign before three female scientists from Saxony present current research projects.

Remarkably, one of the three scientists is our Vice-Rector for Education and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sophia Keil.

The opening will be moderated by Ciani-Sophia Hoeder. The author and freelance journalist writes for Die Welt and ZEIT, among others, and moderated the documentary "Better than human? Living with AI" for ARD Wissen.



When: 08.03. from 12:00 to 18:00, 09.03. from 10:00 to 18:00

Where: OG1_S7

  • "Expand your view - with augmented reality and LEGO®": Visitors can experience the combination of augmented reality and LEGO® in the special exhibition on OG1 and thus find a new approach to complex scientific and technological topics.

  • "Science to try out - The Zittau Power Plant Laboratory (ZKWL)": With a special exhibition, the university's Zittau Power Plant Laboratory presents its experimental facilities on OG1. Interested visitors can interact with autonomous robots.

  • "Producing with what nature provides" The LaNDER³ partnership is researching how living and producing with what nature provides could be possible in the future. From fiber extraction and fiber processing to the energy-efficient production of natural fiber composites and their recycling and reuse. 



  • "The energy transition for your home": On March 8 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m., a workshop with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kunick (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) will take place in the Technical Theater on OG1, demonstrating practical approaches to implementing the energy transition in your own home.

  • "Civil society, civic engagement and social innovation": A two-hour workshop with M.A. Leonie Liemich (Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer) will be offered in the tower room on OG6 on 08.03. from 16:00 to 18:00, dealing with the role of civil society and civic engagement for the development of rural regions. A panel discussion with participant participation and an evaluation round offer space for exchange, Leonie Liemich and discussion.


Meet a Scientist:

  • "Climate change, energy transition and renewable energies": Prof. Dr. tech. Stefan Kornhuber (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science), an expert in the field of electrical energy technology, invites you to a dialog on the challenges and opportunities of the energy supply transformation in the special exhibition on OG1 on March 8 from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.

The event is part of the campaign "SPIN2030. Saxony - Land of Science" campaign, which highlights the performance and diversity of scientific institutions in Saxony. With more than 50 participating institutions, the festival provides a comprehensive insight into the research landscape of the Free State. The festival is accessible free of charge and guided tours are offered in sign language to ensure the participation of all visitor groups.

Banner for the SPIN2030 science festival with the words 'Wissenschaftsfestival SPIN2030' and 'Wir sind dabei' on a background with bright, colorful light effects.
Graphic: SPIN2030 Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences takes part in the SPIN2030 science festival

Your contact persons

Photo: M.A. Kristin Sprechert
Kristin Sprechert
Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer
Project Saxony⁵
02763 Zittau
Outer Oybiner Str. 16
Building Z XII, Room 5
2nd floor
+49 3583 612-4792
Photo: M.A. Antje Pfitzner
Antje Pfitzner
Office of University Development and Communication
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.65
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4560