02. September 2022

Big crowd at the signal box at Zittau Süd station

As part of the major "Historik Mobil" event on August 6 and 7, the university's training signal box at Zittau Süd station was once again a crowd-puller this year.

The Zittau Süd signal box is located on the Zittau - Oybin/Jonsdorf railroad line, which is operated by the Sächsisch-Oberlausitzer Eisenbahngesellschaft. It was developed for use as a laboratory as part of the KIA course at our university. It is now an integral part of the training of our students at our partner company DB Netz AG. As part of the course"Railway-specific control and safety technology", real operating procedures during actual train journeys can be combined here with the transfer of knowledge about the technological principles for controlling and securing routes. Even though the mechanical interlocking systems already represent a fairly old generation of interlockings, the safety-related dependencies in modern interlockings are still used in the same way today.

For"Historik Mobil", trains were once again dispatched authentically at Zittau Süd station, as was still necessary for operations up to 30 years ago. The staff performed their duties in uniforms typical of the period. Although the signal box is only a small piece of the puzzle of the major "Historik Mobil" event, there was once again a lot of visitor traffic this year.

Photo: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Volker Brade
Ihre Ansprechperson
Volker Brade
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
02763 Zittau
Hochwaldstrasse 2a
Building Z V, Room 106
+49 3583 612-4219
Photo: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Patrick Hornung
Ihre Ansprechperson
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Patrick Hornung
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.49
+49 3583 612-4571