01. February 2020

"Digital Fellows" of the HSZG present themselves at the Forum for Digital Higher Education in Dresden

On January 22, 2020, the first "Forum for Digital Higher Education in Saxony" took place at the SMWK.

The event was dedicated to the question: "How can digitalization be used to systematically improve teaching?" and presented a varied programme with specialist lectures, posters and a speed dating session to exchange experiences.

Since 2019, the SMWK has been supporting the cooperation between the Saxony University Didactics Center and the e-learning working group of the State Rectors' Conference "Digital Higher Education in Saxony" with around 750,000 euros annually. The funding includes the Digital Fellows program. Here, lecturers develop their own teaching activities and personalities using digital media. In this way, they contribute to the digitalization of Saxon university teaching in the undergraduate education of students. Digital Fellows are thus representatives of a specific approach to using digital media to optimize their teaching. These projects are intended to develop a model effect for other lecturers and are presented and discussed publicly by the Digital Fellows. Among the 43 Digital Fellows for the further development of digitized higher education, employees of the HSZG also presented the first results of their Digital Fellowships projects:

As part of the projects, innovative, digitally supported teaching and learning scenarios are tested and their sustainable anchoring in university teaching is promoted.

As part of this cooperation agreement, digitization processes for teaching will initially be promoted at all 14 Saxon state universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of art and music until the end of 2023. In addition to supporting individual lecturers, the funds provided will also be used for further education programs and to support change management at the universities.

The new call for applications for "Digital Fellows" was also opened on January 22, 2020 at the end of the forum(https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/fellows).

In summary, the event offered a wide range of opportunities to discuss with experts and to build and maintain networks.

#higher education didactics #university #mechanical engineering

Event information

15th Annual Engineering Education Conference 2020

Focus on production and service structures of the future

Paths to technical education

Date: May 14 to 16, 2020

Venue: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences

Registration form: www.hszg.de/ipw2020

Photo: M.A. Ronny Freudenreich
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Ronny Freudenreich
Center for Knowledge Transfer and Education
Project staff D2C2
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 52
First floor
+49 3583 612-4828