The ENKOR project of the TRAWOS Institute of the HSZG shows how and why citizens volunteer in their communities.
The research project "Engagement constellations in rural areas in an East-West comparison" (ENKOR) together with the other projects of the BULEplus programme line of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), has compiled an anthology in which the results are summarized for the broader political and civil society public.
The volume with the title: "Ehrenamtliches Engagement in ländlichen Räumen. Sammelband zur Forschungsfördernahme des BULEplus" was published at the end of January 2025 in the BMEL series. It can be read online and downloaded as a PDF here.
The research project examines various aspects of volunteering in rural areas. The participating research institutions present their findings and key recommendations for action in a clear and concise manner. It is preceded by an overview chapter that introduces the topic and summarizes the findings from the comprehensive cross-sectional evaluation.