20. August 2024

A lighthouse project in the Görlitz film region

On the occasion of the founding of Sächsische Filmakademie GmbH, the three shareholders - including HSZG - came together in Görlitz to launch the flagship project for the promotion of skilled workers and young talent.

The founding of Sächsische Filmakademie GmbH by the three shareholders Allianz Deutscher Produzenten - Film und Fernsehen e.V. (Production Alliance), Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and Europastadt Görlitz-Zgorzelec GmbH marks the launch of a flagship project for the promotion of skilled workers and young talent in the Görlitz film region. The competence network of the film industry, educational institutions and local politics is exemplary for a strong and future-proof structure to effectively counter the shortage of specialists and workers in the film industry.

A press conference was held in Görlitz on August 19, 2024 to mark the founding of Sächsische Filmakademie GmbH. As part of this, explain:

Octavian Ursu, Lord Mayor of the City of Görlitz

"With the Saxon Film Academy, we have succeeded in creating a unique network of the private film industry, the public sector and educational institutions. This gives Görlitz and the region a whole new national and international significance as a film and production location."

Conrad Clemens, Head of the State Chancellery of Saxony and Minister of State for Federal Affairs and Media, Plenipotentiary of the Free State of Saxony to the Federation

"With the new shareholder structure, we have established a strong network that will considerably strengthen the film city of Görlitz and the film state of Saxony in the nationwide competition. In order to make Germany internationally competitive again as a production location, we are committed to a major film reform in addition to promoting young talent. We need to create better framework conditions for German and international productions by reorganizing film funding and introducing an attractive tax incentive model so that cinematic stories are not only told about Germany, but are also created here."

Björn Böhning, CEO and Spokesman of the Board of the Production Alliance

"Film loves Görlitz and Görlitz loves film. With the support of the Saxon producers Saxonia Media and Looks Film GmbH, we are for the first time committed to training and further education in the film industry in a regional structural project. This will give Saxony and the Görlitz region a boost in terms of employment and qualifications. With her experience as a producer and her many years of involvement in the industry, Grit Wißkirchen as Managing Director represents the entire competence network of the shareholder structure. With her, the Saxon Film Academy will become a beacon project for training and further education in the Görlitz film region and beyond."

Together with the city of Görlitz, we have developed the Saxon Film Academy as a model project at the university. We are deeply convinced of the success of this structural project. With the transfer to future-proof structures, this unique shareholder structure and the support of our regional science network, we will be able to ensure that more film productions take place in the region again and contribute to sustainable structural change.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kratzsch, Rector of Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences

Grit Wißkirchen, film producer and managing director of Sächsische Filmakademie GmbH

"The competence network of the partners is unique in Germany. It is particularly valuable that the Saxon producers Saxonia Media and Looks Film are also on board. We will train film-enthusiastic students and professionals in areas specialized in film and train them as urgently needed specialists. This strengthens Görlitz as a film location, Saxony as a film region, Central Germany as a media location and our entire industry."

André Naumann, Managing Director of Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung (MDM) GmbH

"When the Saxon Film Academy began its work three years ago, we were involved in the brainstorming process alongside the city of Görlitz, the state of Saxony, the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and various players in the film industry. The fact that the Saxon Film Academy is now a limited liability company is a real milestone that takes the academy and its training programs to a whole new level. The urgent need for well-trained specialists in film-related professions is still great. I therefore congratulate Görlitz and the Academy on this promising step."

The members of the Supervisory Board of Sächsische Filmakademie GmbH are:

Jennifer Stahl (Managing Director of PAIQ)

Yvonne Abele (Managing Director of Saxonia Media GmbH)

Gunnar Dedio (Managing Director of Looksfilm GmbH)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kratzsch (Rector of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences)

Kerstin Gosewisch (Film Office European City Görlitz-Zgorzelec)

Photo: M.A. Antje Pfitzner
Ihre Presse-Ansprechperson
Antje Pfitzner
Office of University Development and Communication
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.65
1st floor
+49 3583 612-3031