06. December 2021

Your own learning strategies in Polish lessons

An interview with Marcel Kremser, student of Business and Languages at the HSZG.

As part of the cooperation between Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and the Polish Competence and Coordination Center in Marienthal, interviews with our former and current students are presented in the "Polonus" magazine under the heading "Lebensläufe/ Życiorysy". They present their language biographies and talk about their experiences with the Polish language in their private and professional lives.

In the fourth issue of "Polonus", the interview with Mr. Marcel Kremser, a student in the 5th semester of the "Business and Languages" course, was published. Mr. Kremser has been learning Polish for two years and in the interview he reports how he has managed to master Polish to a very good level in a short time.

The interview was conducted in German by Dr. Wieszczeczyńska, who is responsible for German-Polish cooperation in the border triangle at the HSZG.  

You can find the full article "Personal learning strategies in Polish lessons" in the magazine "Polonus" from page 38.

Business and languages play a central role at the HSZG. Since this winter semester, it has been possible to study the new International Business Communication course at the university.

Photo: Dr. Ewa Wieszczeczynska
Ihre Ansprechperson
Ewa Wieszczeczynska
Faculty of Management and Cultural Studies
02826 Görlitz
Görlitz, Furtstraße 3
Building G IV, Room 2.19
II.upper floor.
+49 3581 374-4368