03. July 2023

The path of water

Ecology and environmental protection students study water on its way from the Zittau Mountains to Lake Olbersdorf.

This year, students on the Ecology and Environmental Protection course once again studied water on its way from the Zittau Mountains to Lake Olbersdorf as part of the "Hydrobiology and Water Protection" module. The module was led by Prof. Heidger.

In addition to the studies on Lake Olbersdorf and its tributary, the Grundbach, a beaver excursion to the Oberland was also included, which was led by Mr. Sbrzesny.

The practical course consisted of several dates on which the structural quality of the Grundbach stream and the abiotics, fauna and flora of the course of the stream and the lake were investigated and finally evaluated.

A very exciting, challenging and practical semester is drawing to a close.

Photo: Grit Huwaldt
Ihre Ansprechperson
Grit Huwaldt
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Külzufer 2
Building Z VI, Room 11
First floor
+49 3583 612-4708