26. August 2024

Early career guidance for children

In her keynote speech at the STEM Conference Saxony, Prof. Andrea G. Eckhardt emphasized the central importance of early education for the further course of education.

Providing young people with offers and opportunities for professional orientation plays a central role, especially against the background of the need for skilled workers and with a view to promoting STEM interests. The aim of the STEM Conference Saxony on August 20, 2024 in Radebeul was therefore to further strengthen cooperation between politics, business and civil society with the education sector.

Prof. Eckhardt stands on a stage and gives a lecture in front of a screen on which her presentation can be seen.
Photo: Maria Zimmer Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Andrea G. Eckhardt during her keynote speech at the MINT Conference Saxony

In her keynote speech "Educational success - the contribution of early education", Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Andrea G. Eckhardt highlighted the central importance of early education for the further course of education . With over 90% of 3 to under 6-year-olds in non-family care, the elementary sector has established itself as part of the education system. In addition, there are many indications here of how good cross-system cooperation can succeed, e.g. in the support of all children, in the design of educational partnerships, networking in the social space and the support of transitions between educational areas. While vocational orientation is systematically anchored from secondary school onwards, corresponding offers in the elementary and primary sector are rather sporadic. Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Andrea G. Eckhardt explains that there are already many starting points for vocational orientation in early childhood.

In the subsequent workshop "Early career orientation", Prof. Dr. phil. Andrea G. Eckhardt and Susann Stolle (RAA Hoyerswerda/Ostsachsen e.V.) will present pedagogical materials for early career orientation. With the practical material "Little masters - early career guidance for pre-school children"is the first educational material on career guidance in early childhood. Ten professions from all occupational areas are presented as examples and a variety of offers for educational work with children of pre-school age are presented.

On the one hand, the materials convey factual knowledge about the selected professions, take into account the educational areas of the elementary sector and serve to promote precursor skills. In addition, the materials support the educational partnership with parents and provide pointers for collaboration with external cooperation partners.

Prof. Andrea Eckhardt
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr. phil. habil.
Andrea G. Eckhardt
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 1.12
1st floor
+49 3581 374-3750