18. June 2018

Exhibition: "Tuchfühlung - Vom Reinwaschen und Schönfärben"

An exhibition to see, touch and listen to. Get up close and personal!

The exhibition, which is the result of a project between students of social work at the HSZG and Tierra Eine Welt e. V. Görlitz, is coming to Zittau.

An exhibition that takes a very vivid look at the life cycle of our clothes, from cotton production and transportation to the collection of old clothes. The centerpiece of the exhibition, a huge closet, offers impressions you can touch and experience for yourself. Ten audio clips provide information about the connections and effects of the global clothing industry. This is the result of an outstanding project by students of social work at our university/faculty of social sciences in collaboration with Tierra Eine Welt e. V. Görlitz.

The opening event will take place on June 19, 2018 in the Peter-Dierich-Haus Z IV, Foyer, Theodor-Körner-Alle 8, Zittau:

17:30 - Opening by Prof. Christa Maria Heidger (Prorector Education and International Affairs)
18:00 - Introduction to the exhibition and presentation on key aspects of clothing production with the makers Katja Ostermann and Ulrike Kauf
19:00 - Film "The True Cost - The Price of Fashion" followed by a discussion with the audience and Katja Ostermann and Ulrike Kauf. The film tells a true story about the clothes we wear, about the people who make them and about the effects (of production and transportation) until T-shirts, shirts, sweaters, pants and much more can be offered for sale in our stores.

During the exhibition period from June 19 to 27, 2018, you can also view, touch and listen to the exhibition in the foyer of the Peter-Dierich-Haus.

We look forward to welcoming you in large numbers.

Photo: Dipl.-Kffr. Anke Zenker-Hoffmann
Anke Zenker-Hoffmann
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Külzufer 2
Building Z VI, Room 205
2nd upper floor
+49 3583 612-4706