18. October 2022

20 years Workshop on e-Learning

Review and outlook on 20 years of teaching and learning in the virtual Saxon university environment

On September 22, 2022, a very special anniversary was celebrated at the HSZG: the 20th Workshop on e-Learning. This specialist conference has been jointly organized by the HSZG 's Center for E-Learning and HTWK Leipzig since 2010. It takes place alternately at the Görlitz and Leipzig locations. Once again this year, around 70 participants from all over Saxony made their way to Görlitz to exchange ideas and network in workshops and lectures on current topics and issues in the fields of e-learning and didactics.

The Workshop on e-Learning 2022 was opened by Prof. Dr. Matthias Längrich, Head of the Center for eLearning [Zfe] at the HSZG, followed by a welcome address from the Rectorate by the Vice-Rector for Education and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sophia Keil. In the keynote speech, Prof. Dr. Klaus Hering, the initiator of WeL at HTWK Leipzig, gave an exciting insight into the beginnings and highlights of the Workshop on e-Learning over the last 20 years.

In the specialist presentations that followed, interested parties had the opportunity to gain an insight into current research questions and projects from a wide range of disciplines. Starting with topics from the field of "didactics", such as the use of teaching videos and microteaching, to "e-assessment" in engineering and computer science, as well as "internships" and their digital and hybrid implementation, through to "data and law", including questions from the field of learning analytics.

The parallel workshops provided an overview of the Saxon e-learning projects currently funded by the SMWK. The joint projects "Flexible and quality-assured teaching and learning in the virtual Saxon university space", "Digital infrastructures and open learning environments", "Assessment and competence measurement", "Educational equity, access and openness" and "Innovation Fund / Open Topics" presented their respective current research statuses and offered all participants the opportunity for a broad discussion.

The WeL ended with a traditional dinner at the Patrizierhaus St. Jonathan.

We are looking forward to the next WeL, then for the 21st time and again at the HTWK in Leipzig.

Click here for more information!
  • Download proceedings of the Workshop on e-Learning 2022: Längrich, M.; Heidig, S.; Schuster, E. & Hering, K. (ed.): 20th Workshop on e-Learning - Conference Proceedings. September 22, 2022, Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. Scientific Reports, Issue 137 - 2022, ISBN: 978-3-941521-33-9.
  • Conference website
Ihre Ansprechperson
Enrico Schuster
Center for Communication and Information
02826 Görlitz
Brückenstraße 1
Building G II, Room 157
+49 3581 374-4326