Representatives of the HSZG presented teaching innovations at the e-Examination Symposium 2024 at the Technical University of Munich at the Garching Science Campus.
Following its initiation in 2014, the e-Prüfungs-Symposium (ePS) took place for the eleventh time in 2024. From 28.11. to 29.11.2024, the ProLehre | Media and Didactics department at the Institute for LifeLong Learning and the Chair of Network Architectures and Services at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) hosted this renowned conference to exchange ideas with colleagues on the topic of digital testing.
The symposium, which is one of the most important exchange platforms for e-learning experts, practitioners and university managers on all aspects of e-assessment in the German-speaking world, was dedicated to the motto"Paper or digital - presence or remote: Which mix is right?" and presented a varied program with specialist lectures, posters and moderated discussion rounds to exchange experiences. The event was dedicated to current challenges in the digitalization of university teaching and examinations and how to overcome them. The focus was on further developments in examination software, new approaches to creating online examination rooms and the innovative digital implementation of analog examination types. The effects of generative artificial intelligence on the implementation of knowledge tests were also discussed.
Ronny Freudenreich, M.A.(Center for Knowledge Transfer and Education - Project D2C2) and Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Herrmann (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) from the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences presented a didactic approach for the use of digital examination forms in multi-level complex tasks in the STEM field(link to poster). This approach is a result of various SoTL projects, which are dedicated to the challenges of engineering sciences in the integration of electronic performance assessments (e-assessments). The aim is to systematically develop the potential of digital formats for teaching and learning and to make digital examination formats equivalent to analog examinations in practice in order to test the focused competencies in a comparable form or to adequately map the mathematical-methodical complex tasks typical in the STEM field as e-assessments.
This so-called "thermoE" procedure, developed at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences together with TU Dresden, is a didactic key that provides recommendations for the simple conversion of classic (mathematical-methodical) paper-based complex tasks into digital equivalents without fundamentally changing their character. The competence-oriented approach means that each skill focused on within the complex task is tested by one or more e-assessment questions. The methodological approach is based on the solution path of classic complex tasks and forms the didactic bridge for the path from paper to electronic assessment. The technical implementation uses generally available e-assessment systems and focuses on automated evaluability.
Sebastian Herrmann continues: "As a result, we were able to provide many formats using the OPAL learning management system with the integrated ONYX tool, which smartly and efficiently evaluate complex tasks without having to resort to complicated e-assessment procedures and programs. This supports the simple implementation of e-assessment offers and creates more time for supervising our students."
Paul Plankenbichler from TU Bergakademie Freiberg also emphasizes the importance of events like this: "I am delighted to see how all participants benefit from the exchange, regardless of the type and size of university, federal state, subject discipline and role, as universities are often on similar paths independently of each other. Digital testing and the integration of AI into teaching are extremely important pillars of modern university teaching that need to be developed further. The wide range of experience reports, as well as the odd well-meaning critical comment, provide valuable impetus and useful contacts are often developed to continue working together on challenges. In many cases, however, it becomes clear that the speed is clearly scaled to the available resources. Small universities often find it significantly more difficult to get concepts off the ground on a large scale. Nevertheless, these are particularly valuable for other universities with similar circumstances. Nevertheless, it is important to note that what works at TUM does not necessarily help other universities in the same way. Everyone agrees on one thing: for the specific design of measures and targeted transfer, appropriate personnel and one or two digitization workshops based on the model of the 'Digital Workspaces' of the 'Digital Higher Education in Saxony' (DHS) project are needed."