
13. February 2025

Shaping academic success together

The staff of the educational project "studienerfolg@saxHAW" are designing new exchange formats for students.

In order to further increase the academic success of students at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, the four new employees Luisa Rönisch, Fritzi Hähnchen, Miriam Meyer and Aline Schulz are involved in the educational project "studienerfolg@saxHAW". This is a joint project of the five Saxon universities of applied sciences (HAW) - Dresden, Leipzig, Mittweida, Zittau/Görlitz and Zwickau. Professor Keil, Vice-Rector for Education and International Affairs, is in charge of the project at the HSZG. In the project, for example, the conception of an orientation course is planned. In addition, the EU's Green Deal objectives are to be integrated even more strongly into the existing "Studium fundamentale" and this is to be modernized. (Further information on the EU Green Deal can be found here.) With the help of targeted team-building and networking opportunities, as well as digital media, students are to be supported in the introductory phase of their studies.


The students-as-partners approach is consistently implemented in the project. Students are not just seen as passive learners, but as active partners in shaping the educational process and content. The project team organized two new exchange formats in December in order to involve students at an early stage and identify their needs and wishes. They also supported an offer from the Zukunftslernort Oberlausitz (ZukLOS) team, which is promoting the establishment of a makerspace at the Zittau campus.

The success of our students is at the heart of my work. With the students-as-partners approach, we create an exchange platform in the project in which students and teachers can shape education together. Participation and empowerment play a central role here: we encourage students to actively contribute their ideas, opinions and expertise in order to strengthen their role as shapers of their educational path. Only through this close cooperation at eye level can we develop innovative and tailor-made solutions that promote academic success and strengthen the community at our university.

Prof. Dr. Sophia Keil, Vice-Rector Education and International Affairs at the HSZG
What our project staff say!

"As a social scientist and graduate of the HSZG, low-threshold and inclusive access to educational opportunities is particularly important to me. With the orientation course, which is being redesigned for the HSZG, there will be new offers for learning to study in the future, which will both make it easier for first-year students to start their studies and help them with subject orientation. Promoting independence, self-confidence and teaching interdisciplinary skills are therefore a particular focus for me."
M.A. Fritzi Luisa Hähnchen | Orientation Studies

"In my dual role as a project collaborator in the joint project and a Master's student, student-centricity is particularly important to me. The Studium fundamentale offers us at the HSZG the great opportunity to focus on topics that are more relevant to the future today than ever before. The goals of the Green Deal can be brought to life in newly conceived concepts together with the students."
B.Sc. Miriam Meyer | Studium fundamentale

"As a graduate engineer, I am involved in the joint project to reduce the dropout rate in STEM degree programs. By improving the Studium fundamentale, I want to optimize the study conditions and teach key skills that make it easier for students to succeed in their studies and start their careers. My focus here is on interdisciplinary education and targeted support for women in STEM fields."
Luisa Rönisch | Studium fundamentale

"As a social worker and media educator, I'm looking forward to contributing creative ideas to the project. It's important to me to develop measures that strengthen digitality, regional ties and social integration while at the same time preparing students well for their degree course. Above all, I promote teamwork, communication and future-oriented skills. As someone who comes from the region myself, it's particularly important to me to show people how good it is to live here."
B.A. Aline Schulz | Teambuilding & Digital Media

A campus café to start your studies

On December 2, 2024, the first format of the educational project "studienerfolg@saxHAW" took place at the Görlitz campus - the Campus Café. Students from all semesters and faculties were able to get into conversation at a total of four discussion tables. They were able to share their experiences of starting their studies here at the HSZG. In a relaxed atmosphere, students were able to address their wishes directly to the Vice-Rector, the Rector and the project team. It became clear that students in higher semesters in particular are an important source of knowledge when starting their studies. Particularly in the first semesters, closer cooperation with the student councils and the student council should be sought. In addition, requests were expressed for offers on the topic of How to Study and for informative introductory events that extend beyond the first semester.

On December 12, 2024, students were able to get a taste of the makerspace atmosphere at Campus Zittau in House Z IVc. With the idea of a pop-up makerspace laser cutters and 3D printers were put to the test. While the Christmas tags were being printed, the students were able to collect and visualize their wishes for the space. A follow-up workshop with the ZUKLOS team followed on January 15, 2025.

Both events were really well organized. You could voice your wishes, concerns and problems and I felt like I was really listened to. I would like to see more events like this in the future, where the students' voices play a major role.

Julia, 3rd semester Culture and Management student at the Campus Café and the Makerspace creative workshop:

Module development and participation formats

The Pasta & Project Ideas format took place on December 16, 2024. Over a delicious, home-cooked bowl of pasta, students were able to talk to the Vice-Rector for Education and International Affairs, Professor Sophia Keil. Ideas and wishes for future event formats during and alongside their studies were discussed. The project team also presented the first draft of a module on sustainable urban development and infrastructure. This is to be implemented for the first time in the winter semester 2025/26. An interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary module is being developed in cooperation with regional partners as well as researchers and lecturers at the HSZG, which will provide students with a unique insight into the challenges of climate change in Upper Lusatia and the surrounding regions. Excursions and project work on specific areas of the Green Deal will promote skills that will make students important multipliers for our society. There will be further participation formats as the module develops.

I really liked the cozy atmosphere at the events, especially the joint dinner, where we were able to exchange new ideas very well.

Anna Grohmann, 7th semester Applied Natural Sciences student on Pasta & Project Ideas:

The "studienerfolg@saxHAW" project team will use the collected feedback to design tailor-made measures - to further develop existing offers, but also to close gaps that have become apparent as a result of the challenges formulated.

Photo: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Sophia Keil
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr. rer. pol.
Sophia Keil
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.51.3
1st floor
+49 3583 612-3010