
20. February 2025

Work of the future in Lusatia

In December, the "PerspektiveArbeit Lausitz" consortium met to discuss the current state of research on the working world of the future in the region and to further intensify cooperation.

The consortium of the federal research project "PerspektiveArbeit Lausitz" met in Görlitz on December 10, 2024 to discuss the current state of research on the future of work in Lusatia and to intensify joint cooperation.

Representatives from five universities and 27 companies and associations in the region work together in the PerspektiveArbeit Lausitz (PAL) consortium, a competence center for the work of the future in Lusatia. The competence center is characterized by interdisciplinary teams of work research and engineering sciences. It is particularly noteworthy that the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is also involved with an interdisciplinary research team led by Professors Matthias Schmidt (Chair of Work and Organizational Psychology) and Sophia Keil (Chair of Business Administration, in particular Production Management and Logistics). The Zittau team is part of the SCO-TTi research group. Tanja Schwarz from the HSZG organized the event together with Robert Eckardt and Sindy Herrman from Mittweida University of Applied Sciences and Katrin Meusinger from Silicon Saxony.

The event began with an opening speech by the Vice-Rector for Education and International Affairs, Professor Sophia Keil. This was followed by an open exchange based on focus-specific topic islands.

The following topics were presented by the respective focus projects:The ergonomic support of manual assembly through AI, the design of mobile work in the assembly of PV systems,AI systems for the intuitive use of robots in production, systems for recording and evaluating physical and mental stress factors when working with AI, the presentation of a digital learning management system, the digitalization of laboratory analytical processes and knowledge management, a holistic approach to implementing data-based assistance systems, the establishment of a decision support system, the use of LLMs and RAGs, an AI-supported assistance system for quality assurance, a concept for the safe and effective use of AI assistance systems in production and possible applications for in-house chatbot solutions.

The participants in the 12 priority projects from the universities and companies present exchanged information on the current status and new findings in the respective research areas in order to find possible synergies and better advance the projects.

More information about the practical projects!

On this page you will find the main projects of the companies in the PerspektiveArbeit Lausitz competence center.

In the PerspektiveArbeit Lausitz project, we combine expertise from research, engineering and practice to jointly develop innovative solutions that will make the work of the future in Lusatia more efficient, healthier and more attractive for everyone involved. The key to success lies in close collaboration and the courage to break new ground. In-house chatbots are an excellent example of how we can improve everyday working life. They automate routine tasks, such as answering frequently asked questions, managing appointments or providing information. This allows employees to spend their time on innovative activities. In this way, we create a working environment that sustainably increases both the productivity and well-being of employees. Continuous exchange is important here. I am very pleased that this important meeting took place at the Görlitz site.

Prof. Dr. Sophia Keil, Project Manager PAL and Vice-Rector for Education and International Affairs

The Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences presented its research status on the topics of "Safe and effective use of AI assistance systems in production" and "In-house chatbot solutions for SMEs". For companies, the advantages of working with the HSZG research team are that they can get to know and test tools for creating their own in-house chatbots in order to identify profitable application possibilities. The team also supports them in creating and implementing an implementation strategy for new AI tools, taking into account relevant success factors.

The event resulted in numerous suggestions for cooperation between the focus projects and the analysis of potential for improvement. The event concluded with a joint visit to the Görlitz Christmas market, which enchanted the participants with its special atmosphere and many regional traditions.

AI solutions such as intelligent chatbots can support companies in Lusatia in promoting structural change. Here, central principles of Industry 5.0 are taken into account as the AI solutions combine technological innovation with social responsibility. Through human-centered approaches, they improve communication, relieve employees of routine tasks and create space for creativity and collaboration, which is an important contribution to a sustainable and inclusive economy of the future.

Tanja Schwarz, research assistant at PAL

The event at the RABRYKA impressively demonstrated how committed the partners in the PAL consortium are to making the Lusatia region fit for the future. Through intensive cooperation and innovative ideas, the working world in Saxony and Brandenburg is to be sustainably shaped and a human-centered integration of data-based assistance systems is to be promoted.

Driving structural change with AI

In PAL, 5 universities and 27 companies in Saxony and Brandenburg are researching and working on using data-based assistance systems to make work in Lusatia efficient, attractive and healthier. The aim is to use AI to support structural change in the Lusatia region and create new employment opportunities in order to facilitate the transition from the coal industry to a long-term, stable and sustainable economy. This is being done while taking into account the core values of people-centricity, sustainability and competitiveness. The term PAL in English means "buddy", meaning that the AI solutions are intended to serve as welcome support for users.

Project duration:

01 .10.2023–31.10.2026


The underlying project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the funding code 02L19C329.

Photo: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Sophia Keil
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr. rer. pol.
Sophia Keil
Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering
02763 Zittau
Schliebenstrasse 21
Building Z II, Room 16.3
+49 3583 612-4632