Message details

25. April 2016

Interim results: Six months Meeting place: HSZG

Event on March 31, 2016 at Treffpunkt: HSZG in Weißwasser

On March 31, 2016, representatives from business, the city of Weißwasser and the university met to take stock six months after the opening of the HSZG meeting point in Weißwasser in September 2015. In his introductory remarks, the Vice-Rector for Research, Professor Dr. Tobias Zschunke, once again emphasized the university's goal of deepening the connection to the northern part of the district with the various events in the past and future and making existing collaborations better known to the general public.
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Seibt from VPC Vetschau was able to look back on many years of collaboration with the university, starting with his own studies in energy and environmental technology in Zittau. In his presentation, he addressed the increased demands on young engineers, which include not only extensive and in-depth technical knowledge, but also social skills such as teamwork, interculturalism and language skills.
The second speaker, Sascha Melcher, Managing Director of Niederschlesische Werkstätten Weißwasser gGmbH, also found a responsible position in the region as a graduate of the Faculty of Social Sciences. He presented the development of the workshops for people with disabilities from their foundation in 1990 as an association to the establishment of the gGmbH in 2003. As an example of the current cooperation with the university, he gave those present an insight into the ongoing project by students on the curative education/inclusion studies course, who are working with employees and management to develop a concept for signage and work instructions in plain language.
In the discussion that followed, one of the topics discussed was how the existing collaboration with schools in and around Weißwasser could be intensified so that young people have the best possible information about study and training opportunities in their home region. Possibilities for actively recruiting returnees were also discussed. Those present from the university, business and the city of Weißwasser expressed their willingness to continue working together in a targeted manner.
A positive summary was thus drawn after six months of the Treffpunkt: HSZG. Preparations for the next events are already in full swing. On April 28, 2016, funding opportunities for SMEs will be presented by the two university employees Lutz Haberland and Tobias Schlüter.
Text: Cornelia Müller
Photo: Katrin Reinke  

Contact 'Treffpunkt: HSZG':

Katrin Reinke
Tel: 03583 61 1431