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19. December 2019

Award for Lower Lusatia in Saxony out of 50,555 applications

Successful acquisition of funding thanks to EEN

Mathias Priebe's company MyGoalTraining from Lauta has successfully received funding from the EU Commission's SME Instrument Phase 1, which was announced for the last time, with the help of the Enterprise Europe Network, which is based at the HSZG, among others. Between June 2014 and September 2019, a total of 4408 SMEs across Europe each received €50,000 in funding from this program - 274 of them from Germany and 22 companies from Saxony. MyGoalTraining was the only Saxon company east of Dresden to be awarded the funding. A total of 50,555 companies applied for the lump-sum financial support. The chance of approval was 8.72%.

The company now has time to internationalize its business plan. Specifically, it is about an app for triathletes, which can also be modified to be suitable for the mass market in the health sector. Tobias Schlüter from the Enterprise Europe Network supported the company during the application process and provided important advice on European policy issues, market access and feedback on business model development. An experienced colleague from the Enterprise Europe Network office in Prague also provided tips before the application was submitted electronically in Brussels. A total of eight other people were involved in the application process across three continents.

The contact between MyGoalTraining and the Enterprise Europe Network came about through a personal recommendation. Mr Priebe then took part in a practical workshop on structural change in Lusatia in Senftenberg, which was organized by the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences together with the Berlin-Brandenburg Economic Development Agency under the Enterprise Europe Network label in November 2018. This was followed by innovation consulting at the technology center in Lauta, EU funding research and finally the application.

The MyGoalTraining team is delighted with the funding, which opens up new opportunities for action. Mr. Priebe says: "Thank you Mr. Schlüter for opening the door to Europe for us." The SME Instrument was replaced by the Accelerator Pilot Program of the European Innovation Council at the end of 2019. EEN Saxony also advises on this.

Photo: M.A. Tobias Schlüter
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Tobias Schlüter
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 306
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4683