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03. December 2019

HIGHVOLT prizes awarded: Honor to whom honor is due

For many years now, HIGHVOLT has been promoting young talent in the field of electrical engineering, particularly in high-voltage technology, in Saxony.

This year, Florian Müller has been awarded the HIGHVOLT Prize worth 1,000 euros for the best diploma thesis in the field of electrical engineering at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences.

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Florian Müller wrote his thesis at the Chair of Electrical Energy Systems on the subject of "Implementation of weather-controlled overhead line operation for a selected 80°C 110 kV overhead line". This describes a method for transporting more energy on existing transmission lines. He was awarded the HIGHVOLT Prize for his outstanding achievement on November 7, 2019 as part of the evening event for the "Oberlausitzer Energiesymposium & Zittauer Energieseminar" in the Bürgersaal of Zittau Town Hall. Thomas Steiner, Technical Director at HIGHVOLT, gave the laudatory speech and presented the award winner with a cheque and certificate.

HIGHVOLT has been promoting young talent in the field of electrical engineering, particularly in high-voltage technology, in Saxony for many years. In addition to awarding the HIGHVOLT prize, HIGHVOLT also offers interested students internships and supervision for their final theses.

Jan Hartung - apprentice at HIGHVOLT honored as best in the state in 2019

We are delighted that our KIA student Jan Hartung has been recognized by the Dresden Chamber of Industry and Commerce as the best exam taker in the "electrical system fitter" apprenticeship in 2019. Becoming the best exam taker in 2019 in the "electrical systems fitter" apprenticeship is a great achievement in itself. But Mr. Hartung has achieved even more. He became the best apprentice in the state in 2019 in his apprenticeship and was honored for this on 13 November 2019. The award ceremony for the best in the state took place at the State Museum of Archaeology in Chemnitz and is held annually by the three Saxon Chambers of Industry and Commerce (Dresden, Leipzig and Chemnitz).

Mr. Hartung is currently continuing his studies in "Electrical Energy Systems". We wish him all the best for his graduation in 2021.

Mr. Hartung is a KIA student at the company HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH(, which is already a long-standing KIA partner of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences.

In this context, HIGHVOLT was awarded the "Excellent Training Company 2019" award by the Dresden Chamber of Industry and Commerce. This distinction is a great honor, but also an obligation and incentive for all future trainees.

Photo: Prof. Dr. techn. Stefan Kornhuber
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Prof. Dr. techn.
Stefan Kornhuber
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
02763 Zittau
Hochwaldstrasse 2a
Building Z V, Room 116
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4365