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04. May 2018

Science meets politics: Legal issues in the healthcare industry 4.0

Prof. Dr. Hahn speaks at the Saxon Economic Council on current legal issues in the digital healthcare industry

The buzzwords "strengthening telemedicine", "digitalization in the healthcare sector" and "better networking of service providers" have been omnipresent, and not just since the 2016 Act on Secure Digital Communication and Applications in the Healthcare Sector (E-Health Act). Further steps have already been announced by legislators for the current legislative period. The healthcare industry is also facing the ever-growing challenge of European competitors using digital communication media to penetrate the German healthcare market, which has so far been largely shielded by the personal provision of services by doctors.


These developments and the associated tasks for politicians were the reason for an event on the topic of "Telemedicine" at the Saxon Economic Council of the CDU e.V. At the invitation of the state expert commission "Health and Care", Prof. Dr. Hahn gave a lecture on the current legal issue of digitization in the healthcare industry on 25.04.2018. The agenda included national and European aspects of the cross-border provision of healthcare services, the expansion of the German telematics infrastructure and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR). The subsequent discussion also provided an opportunity for an in-depth exchange with representatives from health insurance companies and service providers.



Prof. Dr. iur. Erik Hahn 

Chair of Civil Law, Commercial Law and Real Estate Law

Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences

Faculty of Economics and Industrial Engineering

House Z II, Room 002

Schliebenstraße 21

02763 Zittau 

03583 612-4619
