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03. May 2024

How is AI useful in old age?

The AAL Lab is organizing a theme day on the use of artificial intelligence and assistance technologies for a self-determined life in old age.

On March 21, 2024, the AAL Lab and ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig organized a theme day on the use of artificial intelligence and assistance technologies for a self-determined life in old age at the Leipzig site.

As part of the theme day, over 25 senior citizens were given a comprehensive insight into the possibilities of artificial intelligence, big data and assistance systems in their own homes. The City of Leipzig's representative for senior citizens also took part in the event.

After an interesting presentation on the basics of AI and big data, there was a tour of the Living Lab at ScaDS.AI, an institute for artificial intelligence and big data, where the wide-ranging use of artificial intelligence was demonstrated. Afterwards, participants had the exciting opportunity to interact with an AI chatbot in a hands-on workshop.

In the second part of the event, the director of the GAT Institute, Professor Andreas Hoff, gave a presentation on the importance and diversity of the use of assistance systems for self-determined ageing in one's own home. The participants were then taken on a virtual tour of the Ambient Assisted Living laboratory in Görlitz and were able to try out some of the technologies for themselves during the interactive technology presentation.

The event concluded with a panel discussion on the topic of "How can AI help solve the challenges of an ageing society?" with representatives from politics, business, science and civil society. Moderated by Dr. Hermann Diebel-Fischer (ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig), Kerstin Motzer (Senior Citizens' Representative of the City of Leipzig), Dr.-Ing. Thomas Löffler (Professor of Ergonomics and Innovation Management & Board Member of WohnXperium, TU Chemnitz) and Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoff (Director Research Institute "Health, Ageing, Work, Technology" GAT) were able to discuss the possibilities of artificial intelligence in a solution-oriented manner and respond to questions from the audience.

Next date due to high demand

Due to the positive response and the great interest in the theme day, a follow-up event will take place on July 1, 2024 in the auditorium of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences in Görlitz.

The AAL laboratory at the GAT Institute is funded as part of the BMBF joint project Saxony5 2.0 and operated in cooperation with the Görlitz housing association KommWohnen.

Ihre Ansprechperson
Maria Fabisch
Institute for Health, Ageing, Work and Technology
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 317
2nd floor
+49 3581 374-4996