Message details

02. October 2018

"How are you with religion? ..."

Stimulation and organization of (inter-) religious communication, education and experience processes.

"What's your attitude to religion? ..." Gretchen asked Dr. Faust in Goethe's tragedy of the same name. A research team from the TRAWOS Institute is also investigating this topic under the title "Religion-sensitive integration culture in East Saxony - exploration, testing, design". Even today, religious differences continue to cause irritation and alienation in everyday life. Especially religious practices that are visible in the everyday context, such as the wearing of certain items of clothing or religious festivals that are celebrated in public, e.g. the end of Ramadan in Islam or religious processions of our Polish fellow citizens with Roman Catholic faith, reinforce the feeling of difference. This is often triggered by a lack of knowledge and a lack of exchange between religious and non-religious people.


This is where the "Religion-sensitive integration culture" project of the TRAWOS Institute at the Görlitz university campus comes in, which started in August. The aim is to support the development of a religion-sensitive culture of integration among and between locals and migrants in the district of Görlitz by stimulating and organizing (inter-)religious communication, education and experience processes. The focus is on mutual communication and learning by and between atheists and believers of heterogeneous religions/denominations. The conceptualization, planning and implementation of dialogical educational formats and modules in the sense of a pilot project should contribute to this. A further goal is the networking of actors in the field of action (social integration and the role of religion). The project is funded by the Free State of Saxony as part of the state program "Integrative Measures" and the district of Görlitz as part of the cooperation agreement.


If you would like to find out more or get involved, you can find out more about this and other projects on the Institute's website.

This measure is co-financed with tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the members of the Saxon state parliament.



Dipl. Soz.-Wiss. Sînziana Schönfelder
E-Mail: Sinziana.Schoenfelder(at)

Tel. 03581 374-4671