Message details

05. September 2023

How will embankments, dams and dykes remain stable in the future despite changing climate conditions?

Since 1 July 2023, Thomas Krause has been working together with colleagues from HTW Dresden and various practice partners in the project on innovative stabilization technologies for resilient environment and infrastructure.

Hello Thomas,

Ahoy Zirkon team,

I hope you have settled in well at the institute over the last few weeks. At the moment there is a bit of a vacation mood. You've already met most of your colleagues - we'd like to briefly introduce you to the others here.

What motivated you to apply for the "ReisRuin" research topic? Have you had any previous experience of the topic?

What particularly attracted me to the ReisRuin project was the interesting mix of scientific-theoretical, laboratory and field work. So I don't just have to sit in front of a computer. The contact with the environment and infrastructure projects had always appealed to me, so the decision was not very difficult. I have a background in similar research projects, e.g. in the field of groundwater remediation and surface water analysis.

Professionally, I come from 2 different backgrounds. Firstly, I trained as an electrician and secondly, I studied water management (specializing in groundwater/hydraulic engineering). This fits in well with ReisRuin.

The aim of the new project is to define the existing or possible damage scenarios and to develop suitable measures to increase resilience. These measures are to be tested for suitability on a test site parallel to the project.

Ilona and Martin are part of the team, as well as colleagues from the HTW Dresden Geotechnics Department and a number of practice partners.

You've been at the institute for a few weeks now - what's your first impression?

I find the atmosphere in the team very pleasant. Breakfast on Thursdays is a good opportunity to have everyone at the same table and also to get a professional insight into my colleagues' projects. The peace and quiet here in the building away from the main roads and students is soothing.

Thanks also for the beautiful, large whiteboard...

Zittau is surrounded by wonderful mountains, lakes and nice neighbors. Have you already had the opportunity to explore some of it?

Leisure time? How is that spelled again? Frrraihsait... No... Joking aside, as a house builder the word is rarely used. But once the hut is finished, the word will be used more. I would then use this time for traveling, hiking and photography

Are you from the area or have you moved here?


I grew up here, moved away when I was 16 and am now back here. So: "back to the roots"

Quick round of questions!

Coffee or tea? +++ Tea [Maria is happy that she no longer drinks tea alone in the breakfast group]

Black or colorful? +++ colorful

Order fanatic or chaotic?  +++ chaotic

Mail or phone call? +++ Call

PC or technical center? +++ Technical center

Right or left thumbs? +++ right thumbs

Stadium or couch?  +++ neither

Mauke or mashed potatoes? +++ Mauke :-) [...born in Upper Lusatia]

Globules or aspirin?  +++ Neither

Snooze or get up? +++ snooze

0.5 or 0.33? +++ 1.0 [I hope you're laughing at this point, like I am]

vegan sausage or no sausage? +++ vegan sausage

Movement with or without motor? +++ with

savory or sweet? +++ savory

Beer or wine? +++ both !

To go or to stay? +++ go

...even if we didn't get through the quick round of questions as quickly as we thought, your nature to question things and not to answer hastily is evident. We will certainly learn to appreciate these qualities in you in the future.

It's great that you've come back to Upper Lusatia and have the courage to enter a new field of research. We wish you success in setting up the real laboratory and a good start in your new team.

Perhaps you will come by the LaNDER³ technical center soon and see what we are "sorting", "fiberizing" and "pressing" there.

Thank you for answering our questions during the lunch break.

Maria and Anett

Contact details

Thomas Krause
Zittau Institute for Process Development, Circular Economy, Surface Technology, Natural Materials Research
02763 Zittau
F-Schneider-Str. 26
Building Z IX, Room 103
Upper floor
+493583 612-4794