Message details

13. September 2022

"Who engages with whom and how?"

Research project "Engagement constellations in rural areas - an East-West comparison (ENKOR)" at this year's Überlandfestival on the Görlitz Kühlhaus site.

The research project "Engagement constellations in rural areas -  an East-West comparison (ENKOR) "   presented itself at this year's Überlandfestival on the Görlitz Kühlhaus site with a discussion offering under the motto "Who engages with whom and how?" .

The research workshop was accompanied by Dr. André Knabe (Thünen Institute for Regional Development e.V.), Susanne Lerche and Dr. Thomas Prennig (HSZG, TRAWOS Institute).

The aim of the workshop was to discuss not only the diversity of social engagement in rural regions but also the conditions for its success: How do we explain that the volunteers we interviewed act in such different ways? Why do volunteers come into conflict with each other or with their environment - or not? What different strategies and forms of support are needed for rural engagement?

After a brief input on the project and on typical example situations that tend to be conflictual, the expert audience (volunteers, multipliers and representatives from the field of engagement promotion) discussed the extent to which the scenarios presented are also relevant to their own personal and professional contexts. The experiences, impressions and ideas described reflected the initial research results from the project very well and provided pointers for further in-depth content.

Ihre Ansprechperson
Susanne Lerche
Institute for Transformation, Housing and Social Spatial Development
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 304
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4289