Message details

18. July 2023

Presentation of research on governance of irregular migration at IMISCOE 2023 conference in Warsaw

Multi-Level Governance of Irregular Migration as a Conflictual Political Space, IMISCOE Conference

Multi-Level Governance of Irregular Migration as a Conflictual Political Space, IMISCOE Conference, Beyond MLG: how levels and actors entangle policy logics and interact in immigrant policy practice- Part 2: Local battlegrounds, Warsaw

From July 3 to 6, 2023, the 20th Annual IMISCOE Conference took place at the University of Warsaw. Jan Schaller, research associate at the TRAWOS Institute, presented a paper entitled"Multi-Level Governance of Irregular Migration as a Conflictual Political Space" onissues relating to the governance of irregular migration in the Canary Islands. This allowed him to present and discuss his research with a broad specialist audience. The IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network) is the largest interdisciplinary network of researchers in the field of migration research. This year's annual conference comprised over 150 different panels that comprehensively reflected the current state of migration research.

The presentation focused on questions of governance processes in relation to sea rescue and maritime border protection in the Canary Islands. Particular attention was paid to the conflictual nature of the situation there and the specifics of the multi-level configuration.

The presentation there is beneficial in several ways, as on the one hand international contacts could be established and on the other hand a discussion with renowned researchers in the field of governance research could be entered into. In addition, a special issue is to be developed from this panel, which would again significantly increase the visibility of the research results.

Ihr Ansprechpartner
Jan Schaller
Institute for Transformation, Housing and Social Spatial Development
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 319
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4489