Message details

21. October 2015

Companies as guests at the HSZG

Representatives from trade, industry and research met for a workshop discussion at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

The use of modern plastics technologies, the substitution of traditional materials with innovative, natural fiber-reinforced materials and challenges in practical application were the topics of the "Workshop Talks", now taking place for the second time at the HSZG. The aim of this series of events, which is organized by the Dresden Chamber of Crafts, the Zittau branch of the Dresden Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the HSZG, is to bring scientists and practical users closer together - so that research results can be transferred into new or optimized production and product lines as quickly as possible. To this end, research and development work as well as the university's wide range of services are presented. For this reason, in addition to lectures, the focus of these meetings is on viewing laboratory equipment and facilities.

Frank Henschel and the newly appointed Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Scholz also discussed the close cooperation between the university and the Zittau-based working group of the Fraunhofer Institute for Toolmaking and Forming Technology.

The most important part of this event - these are the discussions "on the sidelines". This late afternoon once again showed that there is an extensive need for information on the part of the business community and that this event format is well suited to overcoming the hurdles in establishing contacts.

Einweihung des Polyjet 3D-Drucker an der Fakultät MaschinenwesenAs a special highlight, the Polyjet 3D printer from the

undefinedFaculty of Mechanical Engineering

was inaugurated. The participants were surprised at the complicated structures that can be created using this innovative printing technology.  The available construction space is 300x200x150mm. With a layer thickness  of between 0.016 and 0.028 mm, depending on the plastic used, very  fine details can be printed. Especially for the development and production of manufacturing and functional samples,  this 3D printing  is ideally suited.

The next "workshop meeting" will take place in six months' time. Initial suggestions have already been made for the topics that will then take center stage.


Sabine Scholz

Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer

Tel: 03583 61 1575

Mail: s.scholz(at)