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19. May 2022

Surprising. Moving. Up close.

The "Science Cinema in the Village" event series promises three open-air events on balmy June nights.

In June, three special cinema evenings will take place as part of the "Science Cinema in the Village" event series  in collaboration with the Saxony5 project team at the HSZG, local associations and the Dreiländereck adult education center. Cinema-goers can expect unusual open-air locations in Lusatia and a special atmosphere! In addition to the film screenings, there will be the opportunity to talk about the films with invited researchers.

Admission is by donation to support the work of the local association.

When? Where? What?
  • 2.6.2022 - 19:30 - LÖBAULEBT e.V. (Bahnhofstraße 26, 02708 Löbau)
    Film: "Atomkraft forever"
    Is nuclear power an option for the future?
  • 9.6.2022 - 19:30 - Traditionshof Bulnheim e.V. ("Kulturscheune" Rumburger Str. 46 a, 02782 Seifhennersdorf)
    Film: " Mitgefühl"
    A nursing home with a lot of love.
  • 24.6.2022 - 20:30 - Jugendarbeit Heimatbund Lückendorf-Oybin e.V. (Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Lückendorf, Kirchbergstraße 3, 02797 Oybin)
    Film: " Morgen gehört uns"
    Young people are committed to a better future.
Find out more about the clubs here!
    LÖBAULEBT was founded in 2016 as a cultural association for the creation of cultural highlights in the city. Since its launch, they have tried out various formats, from exhibitions and discussion forums to cinema and bar evenings at different locations in the city. Since 2019, they have had their premises at Bahnhofstraße 26 in Löbau, where they run a makerspace and offer a regular cultural program consisting of cinema, readings, music and bar evenings.
  • Traditionshof Bulnheim e.V. 
    The Bulnheimverein in Seifhennersdorf is known in the town and surrounding area for offering a monthly reading café where authors present their own works or are introduced by enthusiastic readers. They also occasionally offer lectures on local or historical topics. Their club rooms are open every Friday from 10 am to 12 noon with a bookshop. They are also open during the "Leinerwebers Naturmärkte" and offer coffee and cake. The Bulnheimsche Hof is a restored three-sided courtyard in the heart of Seifhennersdorf.  The ambience with the arcades and the large lime tree invites you to linger. 
  • Youth work Heimatbund Lückendorf-Oybin e.V.
    The youth club in Lückendorf was "revived" in September 2021 with a generation change, both among the young people and the adult supervisors. Under the Heimatbund Lückendorf-Oybin e.V., the club room of the Lückendorf village community center is used at least once a week to provide a meeting place for young people, to open up new spaces of experience for a self-determined, successful and responsible life, and to create cross-generational cultural and community offerings in the village. With 10-15 committed young people and several adult supporters, the association is ready to encourage a village community that is interested in many things but sometimes a little sleepy to enjoy an evening at the movies together!

More information at:!

Ihre Ansprechperson
Emilia Socha
Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer
02763 Zittau
Outer Oybiner Str. 16
Building Z XII (Mandauhöfe, Saxony5 / Celsiuz), Room 2
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4283
Institute for Transformation, Housing and Social Spatial Development
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 319
3rd upper floor
+49 3583 612-4283