Message details

07. August 2019

Transfer3 - Medical law expertise required

Prof. Dr. Erik Hahn has been appointed to three committees that combine scientific findings with practical benefits.

Since July 2019, Prof. Dr. Hahn has been a member and deputy chairman of the newly established Saxon Arbitration Board under the Nursing Professions Act. Its office is located at the Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs and Consumer Protection. Its task is to bring about an arbitration award in the event that the responsible state authority, the state hospital association, the associations of providers of outpatient or inpatient care facilities in the state, the state associations of health and care insurance funds and the state committee of the association of private health insurance companies cannot jointly agree on a budget for financing care training costs.

In addition, Prof. Dr. Erik Hahn was appointed to the Ethics Committee of the Saxon State Medical Association and the "Ethics in Medicine" working group , which is also based there, for the 2019-2023 term of office. The Ethics Committee is established on the basis of the Saxon Medical Professions Act. It has the task of advising the members of the Saxon State Chamber of Physicians on questions of professional ethics and professional law, in particular before clinical trials on humans, before epidemiological research projects with personal data and before research with vital human gametes and embryos. In addition, it performs tasks assigned to it by federal law in accordance with the Medicinal Products Act, the Medical Devices Act, the Transfusion Act, the Radiation Protection Ordinance and the X-ray Ordinance. Among other things, the Medicinal Products Act and the Medical Devices Act require the approval of an ethics committee responsible under state law before a clinical trial on humans can begin.

4-storey light brown building with large window front with 6 green deciduous trees and neatly trimmed small hedges framing the sidewalks in front of it
Photo: Z thomas (CC license) Saxon State Medical Association in Dresden

Prof. Dr. Erik Hahn is an honorary member of the aforementioned committees and can contribute his expertise in medical law to the decision-making processes. He is currently working intensively on legal issues in connection with the digitalization of the healthcare system. Last month, his essential "Telemedicine - The Law of Remote Treatment" was published by Springer.

Prof. Dr. iur. habil. Dr. rer. medic.
Erik Hahn
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.22
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4619
GAT - Institute for Health, Aging, Work and Technology
Deputy Director of the Institute
02826 Görlitz
Brückenstraße 1
+49 3581 374-4619