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08. April 2024

Starting signal for CircEcon

Europe-wide unique pilot project for a greenhouse gas-neutral circular economy is being created in Lusatia

Joint press release
Technische Universität Chemnitz, Technische Universität Dresden, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz

The three technical universities in Chemnitz, Dresden and Freiberg and the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz signed the cooperation agreement for the joint establishment of the "Green Circular Economy" research campus (CircEcon), funded with over 108 million euros

On April 5, 2024, Prof. Ursula Staudinger, Rector of TU Dresden (TUD), Prof. Uwe Götze, Vice-Rector for Transfer and Continuing Education at TU Chemnitz (TUC), Prof. Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht, Rector of TU Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF), and the Rector of Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (HSZG) - Prof. Alexander Kratzsch - signed the cooperation agreement in the industrial park. Alexander Kratzsch - signed the cooperation agreement at the Schwarze Pumpe industrial park near Spremberg to establish the "Green Circular Economy" (CircEcon) research campus for a greenhouse gas-neutral circular economy, the only one of its kind in Europe. The agreement was signed in the presence of Thomas Schmidt, Saxon State Minister for Regional Development, and Dr. Andreas Handschuh, State Secretary at the Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism.

Within the framework of joint pilot lines, test facilities and demonstration systems, the participants are pooling their expertise in the field of materials and production technologies as well as process and recycling technology in order to map future-oriented technologies for the circular economy on an industrial scale and thus initiate the creation of new jobs through settlements and spin-offs in the region.

"CircEcon" is scheduled to start operations at the end of 2026. The federal government and the Free State of Saxony will invest around 108 million euros by then. Around 48 million euros of this will go towards building the center and around 60 million euros towards equipping it with equipment and pilot plants.

Prof. Ursula Staudinger, Rector of TUD:

"With today's signing of the contract, we are creating the basis for a unique cooperation between the three technical universities in Saxony and the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences in the highly innovative field of the circular economy and are thus making a valuable contribution to successful structural change. With CircEcon, we will jointly establish a Europe-wide unique technology network for the development of new material and production technologies as well as process and recycling technologies in the Schwarze Pumpe Industrial Park. TU Dresden is very happy to coordinate the construction measures in close cooperation with its partner universities and on behalf of the Saxon State Enterprise for Real Estate and Construction Management. In the emerging research center, we are testing the closed cycle from component production to complete recycling and reuse. This will make Lusatia an internationally visible technology region in the field of the circular economy - a win-win situation that opens up the prospect of new jobs and dynamic development for the region and enables research and transfer to gain knowledge and new forms of cooperation in the field of the circular economy."

Prof. Uwe Götze, Vice-Rector for Transfer and Continuing Education at TUC:

"Chemnitz University of Technology is deliberately pursuing the strategy of establishing branch offices in order to promote its regional effectiveness, anchoring and visibility in the Free State of Saxony and to fulfill its economic and social responsibility. CircEcon is the fourth branch of our university to be launched - in this case as a joint institution with three partner universities. Together with the partner universities, we want to open up new paths towards a highly efficient circular economy through our research activities on the future campus. The transfer of the knowledge gained into innovations will not only provide important impetus for climate protection, but will also make a significant contribution to regional development in Lusatia. We would like to thank the many people involved in this complex and forward-looking project for their valuable input and contributions - especially Prof. Dr. Lothar Kroll and his team from the perspective of Chemnitz University of Technology."

Prof. Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht, Rector of the TUBAF:

"TU Bergakademie Freiberg is contributing its extensive expertise in the fields of processing technology, metallurgy and materials technology to the project. The focus is on high-quality recycling of composite materials and metallic lightweight materials. With the large-scale pilot plants planned in CircEcon, we can develop innovative technologies from the basic idea to production maturity. We are certain that this will actively support a sustainable transformation for the region and its economy."

Prof. Alexander Kratzsch, Rector of the HSZG:

"The signing of the cooperation agreement for the 'Green Circular Economy' project marks a very special moment for our Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. With this pilot project, which is unique in Europe, we are boldly entering the future of the circular economy together. CircEcon will not only become an innovation center for sustainable technologies, but also an engine for regional development and new jobs in our home region of Lusatia. It shows what great things universities of applied sciences can achieve and that, together with strong partners, we can play a pioneering role in shaping a sustainable future."

About CircEcon

Due to the necessary phase-out of coal-fired power generation by 2038, Lusatia is in the midst of accelerated structural change. For the region and its people, this means major challenges - but also great opportunities to emerge from the change in a particularly strong position. The Technical Universities of Chemnitz, Dresden, Freiberg and the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences are contributing to this and pooling their expertise in the field of materials and production technologies as well as process and recycling technology. With "CircEcon", a center for research and development of new technologies for the recycling and reuse of fiber composites from wind turbines, for example, is to be established that is unique in Europe.

With joint pilot lines, test facilities and demonstration systems, the targeted linking of Saxon research expertise will be promoted for the first time and innovative approaches to an efficient circular economy will be developed and brought to market maturity together with regional companies. Modern methods such as comprehensive digitalization and artificial intelligence will be used to manage energy and recyclable materials in order to realistically map the entire value creation cycle - from the extraction of raw materials and the processing of recyclables and materials through to re-production - and to close it in an industry-relevant, greenhouse gas-neutral manner.

Contact person for journalists

Matthias Fejes
Dresden University of Technology
Press spokesperson
Tel.: +49 351 - 463 32882
E-mail: matthias.fejes(at)

You can find the English version of the press release here.

Photo: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Tobias Zschunke
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.
Tobias Zschunke
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 117
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4843