Message details

01. July 2024

Radicalization - a critical review

A fundamental contribution by Prof. Dr. Nadine Jukschat.

On 14 June, Prof. Dr. Nadine Jukschat and Dr. Katharina Leimbach published a basic article in the "Infodienst Radikalisierungsprävention - Herausforderung Islamismus" of the Federal Agency for Civic Education.

The term "radicalization" is divided into its facets and reflected from the different attempts at definition and perspectives of meaning in the past and present, whereby conflicts in the understanding of the term become clear.

In the attempt to explain the complexity of radicalization, the article also refers to the social, scientific and socio-educational backgrounds as well as their derivations of thought and action, which are directly related to the term or its knowledge patterns.

In particular, it highlights the fact that radicalization is usually conceptualized in a processual, linear and individualized way and that its close connotation to terrorism brings with it an ambiguity towards Islamism from the perspective of the security authorities. It is shown how this perspective of the security authorities, the dramatizing charges of the term and the associated constant reactualization of threat scenarios produce specific calls for prevention and treatment.

Your contact person

Prof. Nadine Jukschat
Prof. Dr. phil.
Nadine Jukschat
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.11
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4854