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12. March 2025

Doctoral supervision becomes possible

Prof. Erik Hahn has been co-opted by the Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine at TU Dresden as a university lecturer. This allows him to act as the first reviewer for doctoral projects of HSZG graduates.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Erik Hahn was co-opted as a university lecturer by the Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine at TU Dresden on February 26, 2025. The Professor of Social Law and Health Law at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is thus the first HSZG professor to be co-opted by a university under the new university law.

"The co-option now makes it possible for graduates of the HSZG to supervise doctorates as first supervisors at the Faculty of Medicine, in particular with the aim of obtaining a Dr. rer. medic.", says Prof. Dr. Dr. Hahn.

This is a doctoral degree in the field of theoretical medicine, which can also be obtained by people without a medical license if they deal with issues relating to the healthcare system. Prof. Dr. Dr. Hahn supervises topics relating to medical and healthcare law as well as socio-political issues with a focus on the healthcare system.

Traveling with students

In February, Prof. Hahn was also appointed Visiting Professor at Riga Stradins University for a further year. At the HSZG's partner university, he will open the social science and law conference at the end of March with a keynote speech as part of Riga Stradins University's Research Week. This is the largest scientific event in Latvia.

Last June, Prof. Hahn and a group of 12 students from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the HSZG visited the Latvian partner university and various Latvian social institutions as part of the social work project course. The focus of the excursion was the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in the EU member states.

An excursion with social work students to Linz is planned for this year.

Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr. iur. habil. Dr. rer. medic.
Erik Hahn
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.22
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4619
GAT - Institute for Health, Aging, Work and Technology
Deputy Director of the Institute
02826 Görlitz
Brückenstraße 1
+49 3581 374-4619