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23. November 2018

Only on display for one day - but 4 years of research

Project conference and poster exhibition at the HSZG on 7.11.2018

As every year, there was also an event in 2018, this time on November 7, on the research projects funded by the Saxon state parliament at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. This involves the use of around 0.8 million euros per year for research at the HSZG. The event was divided into two parts: 100 minutes of lectures followed by a poster show with 46 posters - which was on display for one day. 

In the first part, in addition to an adminsitrative presentation, there was a project presentation from each of the 6 faculties and 7 research institutes of the university. The time limit of five minutes each was quite a challenge - which was only slightly exceeded overall. The content ranged from software applications for energy supply companies to visibility in the ideal cityscape. And, of course, all of the HSZG's research areas were represented. The lecture section was concluded by a brief presentation of our transfer project Saxony5 , with information on ways to support the utilization of project results.

The poster show was used for a lively exchange - from questions of understanding, to possible cooperations, to the (questionable) continuation of the project ideas; the continuation of the event is also firmly planned for next year; the aim is to hold a joint project conference of all Saxon universities of applied sciences in Zittau or Görlitz.


For those who missed the event: The A4 brochure with all the posters can be found as a PDF file under this link , or can also be requested as a printed booklet from Lutz Haberland.

Photo: Biophysicist Lutz Haberland
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Lutz Haberland
Rectorate / Research Unit
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z l, Room 1.63
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4682