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15. February 2022

The village needs more women

Why are women an important economic factor for regional development in Lusatia? The MDR report "Mehr Frauen braucht das Dorf" (The village needs more women) is dedicated to this question with exciting portraits and insights into the development potential of the region, which was published as part of the ARD theme week "Stadt.Land.Wandel" (City.Country.Change).

In September, the "F wie Kraft" network received a request from MDR Wissen to be part of a contribution to the ARD theme week "Stadt.Land.Wandel". Specifically, a Lusatian women's regulars' table was to be accompanied by the media. And whether the committed women were up for it! The Lusatian women's regulars' table met for the first time in person on October 6 at the KOLABORacja in Görlitz. Also present: Dr. Julia Gabler and Leonie Liemich from the HSZG, HSZG graduate Franziska Stölzel, F wie Kraft editor Marie Melzer and the MDR film crew. 

In November, the report was finished and the ARD theme week "Stadt.Land.Wandel" went on air. MDR WISSEN, the science editorial department of MDR, published five films in the ARD media library that deal with the topic of "rural areas" in Central Germany from different perspectives and with different challenges. In addition to the role of women in rural areas, the films also dealt with mobility in rural areas, rural supply and village stores, agriculture and energy production / power generation. 

The film "The village needs more women" impressively shows that women are an important economic factor for regional development in Lusatia. As the initiator of the "F wie Kraft" platform, Dr. Julia Gabler is actively involved in the networking and visibility of women in and from Lusatia:

Women are not only an important economic factor when they drink regional beer, but they also make you want to stay here because they want to pursue sustainable structural development, actively network, don't sweep criticism under the carpet and are translators and ambassadors of regional challenges ... in their village, in the cities, in the country and in the parliaments, yes, even in the EU!" Dr. Julia Gabler, Associate Professor on the Master's degree course in Management of Social Change

Link to the movie

Watch"The village needs more women" in the ARD media library


Status paper - Women as an economic factor in Lusatia, commissioned by ZWL - Zunkunftswerkstatt Lausitz (PDF, 570KB)

Network "F for strength"

Since 2016, "F wie Kraft" has been networking, empowering, supporting, initiating and researching in Upper Lusatia.

The network has already gone through many project stages - researching opportunities to stay and formulating findings, developing and applying formats, submitting and settling project applications. All with the aim of bringing together as many different women as possible from politics, regional development, administration and the socio-cultural sector.

In 2018, F wie Kraft was financially supported by funds from the Free State of Bavaria in the Demography Directive and the regional Fachkräfteallianz and institutionally made possible by the Equal Opportunities Officer of the district of Görlitz and the TRAWOS Institute of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. The funding ends in 2019 - but not the project. 

If you want to find out what is all about with the powerful women of Lusatia, visit the website:

Photo: Dr. phil. Julia Gabler
Ihre Ansprechperson
Dr. phil.
Julia Gabler
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.21
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4264