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06. June 2024

Solution-oriented conflict mediation

Dr. Kateřina Barková is the ombudsperson at the HSZG. In this interview, she explains what this is all about.

An ombudsperson is available as an independent contact person for anyone who wishes to report suspected academic misconduct at the university. On the other hand, they protect the accused party from unlawful accusations. Dr. rer. nat. Kateřina Barková currently holds this position at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. In this interview, she talks about her tasks and the fascination of this topic.

Dr. Barková, you work at the Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences in the Department of Biochemistry, how did you come into contact with the topic of the ombudsman's office?

Since my deputy professorship was terminated on 31.8.2023 due to the arrival of the newly elected professor Prof. Dr. Eva Neugebauer, I was looking for a new challenge. In the course of my life, I have gained a lot of experience in communicating with people from different walks of life, cultures and social backgrounds. Furthermore, as a foreigner, I have been called upon several times to resolve various conflicts and misunderstandings. From an early age, I have always worked to ensure that the rules are respected and that the voices of the marginalized and vulnerable are heard and their needs met. Furthermore, I have experience in teaching and research as well as many years of knowledge about the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. All of the above facts have led me to run for the office of ombudsperson.

What are the tasks of an ombudsperson?

"The ombudsperson advises as a neutral and qualified contact person in questions of good academic practice and in cases of suspected academic misconduct. As far as possible, they contribute to solution-oriented conflict mediation", according to §19 (4) of the Regulations for Safeguarding Good Academic Practice and Dealing with Suspected Cases of Academic Misconduct at the HSZG (hereinafter referred to as "OgwP"). The concepts of confidentiality, fairness, impartiality and responsibility are closely associated with ombudsperson activities.

What is the general procedure when a complaint is submitted? Are there certain steps to follow?

The report of suspected misconduct should ideally be submitted to the ombudsperson or their deputy in writing (in text form). In the case of an "oral" submission, a transcript must be prepared (in accordance with §22 (1) OgwP). It is also important to submit all documents relating to the suspected case to the ombudsperson at the same time as the report. This also includes the names (reporting person, person concerned, witness, scientific institution), place and time of the potential misconduct, associated research projects/work or similar. If the report of suspected misconduct is made anonymously, it is more difficult to investigate the report due to the lack of opportunity to ask questions, specify the details, etc. In this case, the investigation of the suspicion may be rejected.

What happens next?

In the second step, the ombudsperson or their deputy investigates whether there are "sufficiently concrete indications that a person has committed an offence under Section 21 in a prosecutable manner", according to Section 22 (3) OgwP. If this question is answered positively, the ombudsperson initiates the preliminary investigation. During the preliminary examination, the accused person is requested to submit a written statement on the allegation without delay. The ombudsperson can also secure evidence, inspect documents, obtain external expert opinions, etc. The preliminary examination ends with the evaluation of all available data. There are two possibilities: either there is no sufficient suspicion of actionable scientific misconduct - in which case the ombudsperson closes the proceedings, or there is sufficient suspicion - in which case the case is handed over to the investigative commission for formal investigation (§23 OgwP). This ends the ombudsperson's work. The decision on guilt and sanctions is subject to the rectorate after the commission has submitted its final investigation report (§25, §26 OgwP).

Is there an example case that you can report on?

As the ombudsperson's work is strictly confidential, it is of course not possible to describe a specific case.

The ombudsperson and deputy ombudsperson are elected for a period of 5 years. When does your time as ombudsperson end? Are you standing for re-election?

My term of office ends prematurely on 31.12.2025 due to the fixed-term employment contract. Prof. Dr. Knut Meißner was elected as deputy ombudsperson for the full term, so there will continue to be an ombudsperson at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences from 1.1.2026. Whether I stand for re-election depends mainly on whether my employment contract at the HSZG is extended.

The interview was conducted by the Public Relations Department (University Development and Communication Office).

Ihre Ansprechperson
Dr. rer. nat.
Katerina Barková
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 09
First floor
+49 3583 612-4717