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15. May 2017

KONVENT'A 2017 in Löbau

The HSZG presents itself as a practice- & future-oriented educational institution and inspires visitors.

KONVENT'A 2017 in Löbau - The HSZG presents itself as a practice- & future-oriented educational institution

Once again this year, Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences was represented with an extensive and varied stand at KONVENT'A, the Upper Lusatian trade fair and business show. In the flower hall of the Löbau exhibition and event park, which was held under the motto "Youth-Future-Perspectives", the HSZG presented itself to the numerous trade fair visitors as a practice-oriented and multifaceted educational institution. Eight different stations from the STEM faculties, the student advisory service and ATN Hölzel GmbH from Oppach as well as two touchscreens with games and video films invited visitors to get to know the university better while exploring scientific phenomena and trying out modern technology for themselves. 


Mit dem Smoothie-Bike präsentiert sich Wissenschaft 'erfrischend' anders.Prorektor Forschung Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Tobias Zschunke präsentiert dem sächsischen Ministerpräsidenten Stanislaw Tillich (rechts) und Landrat Bernd Lange (mitte) den Gemeinschaftsstand der HSZG.


The Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences' hands-on bike - a cleverly converted bicycle equipped with a blender - proved very popular. By cycling a short distance, active visitors were able to make their own smoothie - in an environmentally friendly way and without using electricity. 


Der Zittauer Oberbürgermeister Thomas Zenker interessierte sich besonders für den natur- und umweltwissenschaftlichen Bereich.Die Demonstration am Windkanal begeisterte die Besucher.


The main attraction at the iTN's "Sustainable use of soil resources - soil experiments" station was undoubtedly the sieve tower. This consists of sieves stacked on top of each other, the meshes of which become narrower and narrower from top to bottom. When a soil sample is "shaken" through it, the different grain sizes are neatly sorted - from coarse gravel to the finest Baltic Sea sand. The grain size distribution then provides information about the soil properties, for example its water permeability and load-bearing capacity - important information if the soil is to be built on.


Mal eben schnell was Löten und gleichzeitig den Sohnemann begeistern? Die HSZG macht's möglich.Auch die Bodenexperimente machten vor allem den kleinen Besuchern viel Spaß.


The wind tunnel presented by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at KONVENT'A is able to visualize air currents. By placing various models such as cuboids, spheres, airfoils and model cars in the air flow, flow processes can be visualized that can otherwise only be guessed at, if at all, on the basis of their effect.


Der Siebturm - Wird eine Bodenprobe dort „hindurchgeschüttelt“, erhält man eine saubere Sortierung der verschiedenen Korngrößen.Wie geht das eigentlich mit dem Windkanal? Die Kleinen erhielten Antworten auf alle Fragen.


The Department of Computer Science introduced itself to visitors with a game that helped them to learn how to distinguish between legitimate emails and phishing emails. The Department of Electrical Engineering showed how traffic lights are connected in series to create a "green wave". Interested visitors were given the opportunity to create their own "cycle diagrams" and program the traffic light phases of a road junction model.


Die ATN Hölzel GmbH aus Oppach zeigte mit ihrem für Klebevorgänge entwickelten Roboter, wo und wie Forschungserkenntnisse in der Praxis umgesetzt werden können.Ökologie zum Anfassen für Groß und Klein.


Even the Saxon Prime Minister Stanislaw Tillich, who visited the KONVENT'A on Saturday, did not simply pass by this colorful variety of HSZG offers. He had the KIA apprentices from the Department of Electrical Engineering, who enriched the university presentation with the "small soldering course", explain to him exactly how an electrical circuit has to be soldered together so that the small lights connected to it actually start to flash at the end. The Mayor of Zittau, Thomas Zenker, also took the opportunity to stop by the university stand and get a closer look at one or two of the attractions.


ATN Hölzel GmbH from Oppach, a partner company of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and an expert in automation and bonding technology, used the example of a robot developed for bonding processes to show where and how research findings are put into practice and where a technical degree course at the HSZG can lead. 


Was da wohl unten rauskommt? Staunende Gesichter bei dern Konvent'a.Bei der Konvent'a konnten die Besucher moderne Technik am HSZG-Stand selbst ausprobieren.


Anyone who wanted to find out more about the study options at the university could do so at the on-site student advisory service. They not only provided visitors with extensive information on degree courses and qualifications, but also entertained those interested with a quiz on the Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank ATN Hölzel GmbH, iTN, the university's janitors and all the helpers and station supervisors on site for their support in making this year's university presentation at KONVENT'A a reality. It was only thanks to their cooperation that it was possible to present the HSZG in this quality and to this extent.



Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer

Christiane Matthieu

Phone: 03583 612-4277

E-Mail: Christiane.Matthieu(at)