The 47th Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology (AMNT) took place at the Congress Center Hamburg (CCH) from May 10 to 12, 2016, at which numerous plenary and specialist lectures on current topics from research, development and application in nuclear energy were presented. The Institute of Process Engineering, Process Automation and Measurement Technology (IPM) at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences once again took part in this year's event with several presentations, which met with great interest from the auditorium and were the subject of lively discussion after the end of the presentations.
Dr. André Seeliger presented the institute's past and planned work in the field of nuclear safety research. The presentation entitled "In-Core Zinc Borate Precipitations after LOCA in PWR - Past Experiences and Upcoming Investigations" was given together with project partners from TU Dresden and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf.
In his presentation "Mathematical Modeling for the Exchange of Thermal Radiation Between Fuel Rods in a PWR Fuel Assembly Storage", Hassan Chahi presented the current status of his work as part of the research project SINABEL.
With the lecture "Theoretical and Experimental Investigations for Diagnosis of the Core State during Severe Accidents", Sebastian Schmidt presented the status of his doctoral thesis as part of the workshop "Maintaining Competence in Nuclear Technology" (KEK).
The large number of contributions from representatives of industry and politics made it clear that national competencies in the field of nuclear energy must be unconditionally secured and expanded, as international activities in nuclear technology areas must be evaluated and the future dismantling of nuclear power plants will continue to be a dominant topic in Germany and worldwide for a long time to come. Appropriately oriented research and development work and the training of academic specialists will therefore continue to be of great importance in the future.
Plenary session of the AMNT 2016 in Hamburg

Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences
Dr.-Ing. André Seeliger
Phone: 03583 / 61 24 772
E-mail: a.seeliger(at)