The funding program "WIR! - Change through innovation in the region" is entering the implementation phase.
Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek expects "impetus for structural change in eastern Germany".
And we are part of it!
With the "Lusatia - Life and Technology" alliance, a network of top-class partners from Upper Lusatia has taken part in the BMBF competition. Under the leadership of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and together with the strategic players from the district of Görlitz, the Fraunhofer Plastics Center Oberlausitz, ULT AG Kittlitz and the city of Zittau, ideas were developed with the involvement of many interested parties on how we can make our region - the three-country region - even more interesting, stronger and more sovereign.
The process with many events and sometimes very controversial discussions was exciting - and the resulting strategy paper convinced the selection jury.
The stakeholders are not only interested in technological innovations to strengthen economic power. It is just as important to develop modern educational formats and methods for people of all generations.
Additive manufacturing and flexible energy systems are the areas in which the alliance will invest more in the development of new products and technologies. Novel models of cooperation in the form of shared infrastructure, in which industry, research and education benefit from joint plant technology, will be tested as examples. Urgently needed storage options for renewable energies are also being researched and implemented in regional productions - Made in Upper Lusatia.
Spaces are being created
In our region, education always means language skills. Non-formal and non-formal education facilities are supported, which start there and provide appropriate offers from an early age. Always in focus: How can we make it even better? Right now, as there is a significant shortage of technically trained people, tools are being offered in the STEM field (STEM = mathematics, IT, natural sciences, technology), preferably across generations.
Spaces are created where people can try things out and discover new things. A central WORKSHOP will be set up in Zittau with the aim of achieving a wide reach throughout the entire Euroregion.
More than 30 partners from business, society, associations and administrative institutions have already signaled their willingness to help shape the project.
The plans will be fleshed out over the next few weeks - and then things will really get going! From April 1, 2019, 20 eastern German alliances will be using innovative approaches to drive structural change in their regions.
With this colorful (yes, you could also say interdisciplinary) group, we tinkered, discussed and argued about how to present the great project that many partners developed together. We were as excited as on the first day of school when we stepped in front of a high-ranking jury. Always on board: Prof. Tobias Zschunke, Vice-Rector Research, Professor Sophia Keil, Dean of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Professor Steffi Tollkühn, Educational Scientist, Dr. Stefan Jakschik, Managing Director of ULT AG, Sabine Scholz, Research Office and many helpers and a whole network of companies and partners in the background. AND? We have brought the project to Upper Lusatia, with its core in Zittau! Start-up support, special educational modules, research into energy systems and additive manufacturing for small and medium-sized enterprises and much more. My joyful excitement can be understood a little better with the following quote from the official press release: "The regional alliances are broadly based - they bring together companies, universities, research institutions and civil society organizations. Together, these players overcome the boundaries of disciplines and sectors and test new strategic approaches. With their initiatives, they promote cooperation at eye level, strengthen the innovative capacity of young, small and medium-sized companies in particular, train new skilled workers and keep them in the region. [...] Each WIR! alliance has up to fifteen million euros at its disposal during the five-year implementation phase." Thomas Zenker, Lord Mayor of Zittau via Facebook
Prof. Tobias Zschunke - Vice-Rector for Research at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (HSZG)
Stefan Jakschik - Managing Director of ULT AG
Thomas Zenker - Mayor of the city of Zittau
Heike Zettwitz - Alderwoman of the district of Görlitz
Prof. Steffi Tollkühn - Educational Sciences at the HSZG
Prof. Sophia Keil - Economics at the HSZG
Sabine Scholz - Research Department of the HSZG