Message details

02. December 2019

Görlitz innovation campus takes shape

TU Dresden, HSZG and HHL sign letters of intent on relocation and cooperation projects.

The Siemens Innovation Campus is entering the next phase: Today, December 2, declarations of intent for settlement and cooperation projects were signed in the presence of Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer. With the support of the Free State of Saxony and the City of Görlitz, among others, Siemens has been able to attract innovative, long-standing partners such as Dresden University of Technology, Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and Leipzig Graduate School of Management (HHL).

Minister President Michael Kretschmer: "The establishment of a branch campus of TU Dresden here in Görlitz is good for the city and the entire region. The project is an important component of the new Siemens Innovation Campus and will make a decisive contribution to advancing development and research in the field of hydrogen technology and its application in the mobility sector. The whole of Lusatia will benefit from the growing hydrogen expertise." Kretschmer also expressly thanked the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and the Leipzig Graduate School of Management (HHL) for their commitment in Görlitz. "It is precisely this entrepreneurial spirit that makes us strong and that we need."

Together with partners, the Technical University of Dresden intends to establish a branch campus of the Institute of Automotive Engineering Dresden - IAD on the Siemens Innovation Campus. The aim is to investigate the combination of automated driving and hydrogen-based mobility, particularly in the area of commercial vehicles and public transport as an important component for securing mobility and supply in rural areas.

Together with partners from business and society, the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (HSZG) aims to support innovative companies, particularly in the area of energy efficiency and resource conservation. Manufacturing industries with high export potential and high standards are to develop here, from existing companies or from start-ups. The university will therefore work together with Siemens to create a platform for cooperation between scientists and developers, which will also open up great opportunities for young women and men in particular.

Leipzig Graduate School of Management (HHL) is planning a DIGITAL SPACE@Innovationscampus Görlitz in order to exploit synergies that can arise in the promotion of start-ups and business development. The aim of the DIGITAL SPACE is to support start-ups at a very early stage and to support existing companies in their digital transformation - particularly in the development of new technologies and business models.

Ronald Schmidt, Head of the Siemens Industrial Steam Turbine Business, said: "Today, just four months after signing the pact for the future, we can give the go-ahead for the Innovation Campus. I would like to thank all those involved for their support in this very dynamic process and for their confidence in the innovative strength of the Siemens site in Görlitz. I hope that other partners from business and science will recognize and take advantage of the opportunities offered by such cooperation."

The Siemens Innovation Campus Görlitz is an element of the "Siemens Görlitz Pact for the Future", which was signed by Siemens AG, the state of Saxony and the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft on July 15 of this year. The aim is to strengthen the location in the long term and provide significant impetus for structural change in Lusatia. To this end, further technology and industrial companies, start-ups and research institutes are to be established. The focus is on digitalization, automation, energy technology and innovative materials and manufacturing technologies.

Contact for journalists

Elke Fuchs

Phone: +49 172 36 45 594


Photo: M.A. Antje Pfitzner
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Antje Pfitzner
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