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20. March 2017

Gerontology specialist days at the HSZG

The Faculty of Social Sciences invites you to exciting specialist days on the research field of "Gerontology".

The Faculty of Social Sciences at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is organizing gerontological symposia on the topic of "Age-appropriate assistance systems" in June 2017.

Demographic change, changes in family structures and workplace dynamics raise urgent questions about the future domestic care of older people in need of care. After all, the desire to lead a self-determined life into old age remains very high. In this phase of life, the home becomes the center of life and living conditions essentially determine the quality of life of older people. Age-appropriate home adaptations are therefore becoming increasingly important (keyword: accessibility). Technical assistance systems also make it possible to live longer in familiar domestic surroundings and in a familiar social environment, which has a positive effect on quality of life. Experts are discussing these technologies in the context of ambient assisted living (AAL). 

Since 2014, an interdisciplinary project team at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences has been researching the topic of "Trust in assistance technologies for the inclusion of older people" (VATI), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Among other things, the project is investigating the possible applications of such technologies in the district of Görlitz. 

Speakers with research and practical experience from the project will present current developments in this field at the Gerontological Symposium. The presentations will cover the broad spectrum of the topic and provide an insight into this extremely exciting field of research. 

The invitation is aimed at all interested parties, older people, relatives, students, graduates, employees and all those working in geriatric care, nursing, health or housing.

The Gerontological Symposium will take place on June 16 and 17, 2017 in Görlitz at the Faculty of Social Sciences. All further information can be found at in the flyer of the event.

We look forward to welcoming you and hope for stimulating discussions between all participants. If you would like to present the results of your own work or contribute to the conference program in any other way, please contact us by 15.05.2017 at: vati(at)

Photo: M.A. Katja Knauthe
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Katja Knauthe
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 1.09
1st floor
+49 3851 374-4254