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20. July 2017

Living transfer at the HSZG

More than 45 participants from business and research came together for the "We for Business" transfer event.

What can a university offer - and what are the needs of the regional economy? What current offers can companies take advantage of at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (HSZG)? What opportunities are offered by networks that work across disciplines and promote interdisciplinary cooperation? 

These questions were discussed at the transfer event "We for Companies", which was jointly organized by the HSZG and Energy Saxony and took place on the Zittau campus on 22 June. 

The network Energy Saxony, Saxony's energy cluster, introduced itself to the participating business representatives. The researchers at the HSZG already work closely with this cooperation partner, which is to be expanded in the future.

Tobias Schlüter from the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) demonstrated the possibilities for obtaining practical support at local level in the organization of business, technology and project partnerships in Europe and beyond.

In technical terms, this event addressed the hot topics of today's economy: Energy efficiency through innovative magnetic storage technologies, security problems in critical infrastructures and the defense against attacks and also cutting-edge material solutions for lightweight construction.

Ms. Silvia Toll shared her experiences of a very successful knowledge transfer. Her start-up company Use my Energy has set itself the task of enabling decentralized energy producers to make even better use of the advantages of industry change in the energy sector. To this end, an innovative software solution has been developed that helps customers to operate their energy systems in an economically optimized manner.

In order to make the university's research achievements even more visible and use them more intensively for the development of innovative products and technologies, various instruments are being developed at the HSZG and, in addition to digital media, the traditional format of transfer events is also being used. The next event, at which companies and university representatives can engage in a direct exchange of experiences, is planned for 25.10.2017 as part of the workshop talks series .

Photo: Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Scholz
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Sabine Scholz
Rectorate / Research Unit
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.64
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4575