Message details

29. April 2016

Support landscapes at the meeting point: HSZG

Information event on funding opportunities at Treffpunkt: HSZG in Weißwasser

At the 4th themed evening at Treffpunkt: HSZG on 28.04.2016, information was provided on funding landscapes. It began with a brief insight into the variety of funding opportunities available to private individuals, educational and research institutions, local authorities, associations, companies and others. The funding opportunities offered by the federal and state governments range from health and energy issues to urban renewal and environmental protection. Furthermore, specific examples of funding for SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) were presented together with the HSZG and its service options with regard to funding types and applications. Information was then provided on the HSZG's research priorities and their subject areas.
The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN ) and its support options for Europe-wide funding were presented at the end of the lecture series.
Those present, including representatives of the HWK and the state parliament, then exchanged practical experiences and offered support for planned projects.


Katrin Reinke

