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02. November 2016

Specialist lecture and environmental technology seminar

Special lecture on landfill construction and environmental engineering seminar at iTN.

On 25.10.16 and 01.11.16, the special lecture on landfill construction took place at iTN as part of the TESEUS project. As a lecturer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sänger was able to provide the students of the NÖFb14 and NÖN14 matriculation courses with in-depth content on the legal basis, planning, construction, quality assurance, aftercare and subsequent use of landfills in six lecture units. In addition to theoretical explanations, the students were able to benefit from the practical experience of the lecturer, which he has acquired as an expert and assessor over many years. The students received their certificates after successfully completing the course. 

Following on from this special lecture, the environmental engineering seminar will take place at iTN in the 2016/17 winter semester. These events will provide in-depth knowledge, ranging from the geological requirements of landfill construction to simulations of the soil water balance and the contribution of plants to surface sealing. Representatives from science and practice will report on current research results in the field of landfill construction and provide an insight into practice.

These events are funded as part of the TESEUS project by the SN-CZ 2014-2020 - EU program to promote cross-border cooperation between the Free State of Saxony and the Czech Republic. The main objective of the TESEUS project is to bring together different areas of expertise in order to create the conditions for improved use of regional environmental resources. The events take place at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences  at the Institute for Process Development, Peat and Natural Materials Research (iTN) under the project management of Prof. Schoenherr. Other project partners are the Dresden University of Applied Sciences, the Technická univerzita v Liberci and the Univerzita Karlova, Praha.


Supported by:



Dipl.-Ing. Ilona Schönfelder (Project member)

Phone: +49/3583/612 -4963

E-mail: i.schoenfelder(at)


Dipl.-Ing. Anett Kupka (Project employee)

Phone: +49/3583/612 -4961

E-mail: a.kupka(at)