Message details

29. October 2018

Europe's digital future

1st European Advances in Digitization Conference (EADC)

On 29.11.2018 from  9am to 12 noon the  1stEuropean Advances in Digitization Conference - 1st European Advances in Digitization Conference (EADC) - will take place in Zittau.

At this mini-conference, four experts from science and industry will speak about their findings from the European cooperation project Integrated Development 4.0 (iDev40)which has been running for a total of three years since April 2018.

Other experts from all 38 partner institutions and companies of the research project from six different countries will be present for discussion and networking. These include, for example, scientists and managers from Infineon AG, the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology and the Vienna University of Technology.

The research results presented from the high-tech semiconductor industry will inspire transfer solutions for companies in the region. All scientific papers submitted to the conference will subsequently be published in a conference volume.

The event is open to all interested parties from the region and beyond. Information on the program and registration can be found here.

Following this mini-conference, the project-internal working meeting of all iDev40 project partners will take place at the HSZG until 30.11.2018.


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Photo: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Sophia Keil
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Prof. Dr. rer. pol.
Sophia Keil
Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering
02763 Zittau
Schliebenstrasse 21
Building Z II, Room 16.3
+49 3583 612-4632
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.51.3
1st floor
+49 3583 612-3010