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23. September 2022

A platform for more cohesion

As a member of the jury, Prof. Dr. Raj Kollmorgen will help decide on the future location of the 'Future Center for German Unity and European Transformation'.

On July 1, the competition for the location of the 'Future Center for German Unity and European Transformation' was launched. Minister of State Carsten Schneider also appointed HSZG Professor Dr. Raj Kollmorgen to the jury for the selection of the municipality in which the Future Centre is to be established by 2028.

Carsten Schneider, Minister of State and Federal Government Commissioner for Eastern Germany: "I am delighted that we have a broad-based jury with a wide range of expertise and experience and would like to thank all members for their willingness to participate in this process. The members of the jury are characterized by their expertise and independence with different professional and personal backgrounds and bring diverse perspectives to the selection process."

Local authorities can still apply for the seat of the Future Center until 30.9.2022. Based on the applications received, the jury will visit the interested municipalities in the coming months and make a recommendation to the federal government for a location based on the criteria specified in the competition. A decision is planned for the beginning of next year.

The 'Future Center for German Unity and European Transformation' is a recommendation of the commission '30 Years of Peaceful Revolution and German Unity'. The realization of the center was agreed in the coalition agreement and confirmed by the Federal Government and Bundestag with corresponding resolutions in the spring. It is intended to focus on the processes of upheaval following reunification in East Germany and in Central and Eastern Europe after the end of the Cold War and to organize an exchange of ideas among a broad public.

The decision on the location will be followed by an architectural competition. The aim is to create outstanding architecture of an international standard. The establishment of the institution supporting the center is planned for 2023.

Find out more!

Read the full press release "Jury for the location competition for the Future Center" from the Federal Press and Information Office (BPA) here.

Listen now!

Prices are rising steadily, as are the associated worries. Prof. Raj Kollmorgen discusses how social cohesion can work in these times in the Deutschlandfunk program "Against Putin's blackmail - How can social cohesion succeed?" from September 7, 2022 with other guests.

Photo: Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Raj Kollmorgen
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr. phil. habil.
Raj Kollmorgen
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.17
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4259